Chapter 1

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[Lisa's POV]

Being a TikToker was definitely tough in the beginning, you'll need to bring up different materials and concepts to entertain those who are watching your videos. To be honest, the toughest part was that to came up with a name that will attract people for following us. Just like how my former account was named when I was still with my girlfriend, Tzuyu. She's also the one who brought me to this app, me for being a tech moron, do not know a thing about laptops nor these kinds of apps, but surprisingly I'm good at playing video games. Well anyway, back to what I was saying. We decided to name our account Litzu, as in the combination of our names. 

Indeed, it's a weird combination of two names and it didn't really attract people at first but only a few, I can tell they were hesitating to follow us with our weird name and a boring concept about make-up and clothes. It's been really tough during the first month for us having this career, not until when we decided to change our concept and materials to our normal couple life. In other words, which means me and Tzuyu are showing others how our daily life goes, the routines. Surprisingly, this concept turns out to be interested for the viewers and it attracts them a lot. I could tell from a great amount gain of our followers just within few short weeks. 

Things go out unexpectedly well, for a couple of months, we've been listed in the most famous gay couple in the TikTok couple rank. Along with some other famous couples like Seulrene, Sekai, and some more. Our account soon went on a trend, the name Litzu has become a hot issue for everyone whether if they are using the app or not, it is just spread by people gossiping around during their social lives. With Tzuyu be known as the crazy wild girlfriend who's always aegyoing, while me as the cold yet warm smoking hot lady. 

It all went pretty well at first, not until when our fame reached the peak, as our followers have grown huge and gain more day by day, some crazy fans out there started to spam us the love of theirs through private messages. And by love I mean the eagerness of theirs wanted to have us, and by that, I mean having us physically, which is one night stand, or sex to be more accurate. And as a typical loyal lover, I, of course, ignore all kinds of those messages and block them directly. I thought Tzuyu's also doing the same which I didn't bother to ask her, until one day I saw her texting some stranger with a huge smile on her face. 

At first, I chose to shrug it off and ignore it since I thought it's her friend Dahyun, but the result turns out to be a no. All of these happened within a month, Tuzyu started to excuse herself out with her friends more often, and she came back at late midnight or even in early mornings, which means she won't be back for sleep. These started to bring up my suspicious mind, so I decided to follow her this time when she asked to go out again at an hour around eight during the night. I grab a cab as I followed her carefully at the back of her car, turns out she's heading to the club that's located in the city center of Busan instead of Dahuyn's. 

I head out of the car with my hoodie and mask on as I saw she parked her car beside the road, my heart skipped a beat watching her head in with her heels changed and a nice purple dress. I bet she changed it in the car before she heads out. I hesitated a bit before I finally moved my feet and step into the club. My eyes roamed around in the room as soon as I got in, then stopped at the target not far away, my heart ached when I saw the next view in front of me. The next thing I knew is that I'm already in front of them, grabbing the guy's collar and threw him a hard punch made him fall on the dance floor hard unconscious before I turn to the cheater beside me who's now looking at me with a total shock face, tears and sorry is available in her eyes. But it did not soften me nor made me feel pity or guilt. 

"Am I not enough?" I shouted with full of anger then laughed sarcastically seeing her gulped and sobbed a bit. People's eyes are all diverted on us now, watching us like it's a drama. Tzuyu gulped hard once more before she's about to open her mouth but I stopped her since I already have a clue what's she going to say. 

"Saying sorry won't change anything nor ease my pain, Tzu. I loved you so much full of my heart but instead, you return my love with this? I trusted you, but you failed me, I don't need your sorry." I coldly spat, clenching my fists as I took a deep breath before I clear my mind up and speak out the words that are repeating in my mind earlier. "Don't show your face to me again, I don't want to see you anymore, we are over." I firmly stated it without hesitation, I know I've made up my mind. She tried to stop me but I shove her hands off before I gave her a cold stare made her finally stopped and step backward, knowing there's no more chance holding me back. "I hope you're happy with him." These last words came out from me with my heart shattered into pieces as I turned around and started to move my way out of the club, Tzuyu's just watching me stormed out with her sobs continuing. 

So basically that's what happened to me before, Tzuyu really didn't bother me anymore after that, I guess she did found her true love and I am happy for her. After months of enduring the pain, healing myself, I finally decided to have a new start with a new TikTok account of my own. I guess being a TikToker is now my favorite career since it has combined photography inside which is the second thing I love to do otherwise than dancing. Litzu account got deleted and closed by me after that incident happened months ago. It did create some chaos cause the fans are upset, complaining, and spamming me questions about why since I didn't really tell them what actually happened until now. 

'We broke up, new acc here.' This is what I sent through the public message bar as I create my own account. I actually never thought that there would be many people who recognize me at first since we were known as Litzu before. My user name this time is Lalalalisa_m, yeah I know it's a pretty lame name but that's the only idea I came up with so don't judge. Anyways, I was just resting myself on the couch for a while after I finished creating the account. As I was about to go into a deep slumber the notification sounds of my phone starts to beep insanely non-stop. I groaned and rub my face in frustration as I lean over beside me to grab my phone. My eyes widen when I saw the notifications pop up on my screen non-stop, it's all about TikTok new follower message. I check the time and it's only been an hour after the new account has been created and already having these amounts of people starting to follow me. No lie, I was a super shock. I even blink my eyes several times to make sure that it's not illusions. 

Gossips and questions full filled the chat bar below when I opened the app. Mainly about how and why it happened all of a sudden, but I didn't care to answer them, instead I just leave them there as I closed my phone and went back to sleep. Days passed and the gaining goes on, it didn't stop at all. I'm really surprised by the news spreading speed of my followers. Also, that's why I decided to post my first dance practice video on it. Oh right, I forgot to announce at first that this account will mainly be my dance videos, but I guess they'll figure it out after some more videos so no worries. As I expected, the comments area is soon filled within just minutes, I guess that's how famous I am. 

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I proudly smirked at my thought as I read through the comments they left, I won't be replying to them but I'll read and like some of the comments. Then one word down below at the near bottom caught my attention which made me stop scrolling further. It's a simple word 'cool' with a wink emoji beside it. To be honest, this is the shortest comment I've seen from my followers. No wait, this person is not even my follower. I clicked in the profile and saw this person didn't follow me nor filled out her profile info. There's no picture of her but a single username 'J' and a gender girl. 

"So it's a she..? I guess she's new for this app." I mumbled to myself as this thought went across my mind. I clicked back to the comment section and liked her comment with my lips curled up forming a smile. 

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Falling For The TikToker  - Jenlisa story [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now