Chapter 10

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[Jennie's POV]

Within an hour, I finally arrived at the office by bus. Still crowded as usual and some creepy guy is trying to snuggle onto me, with his dirty hand acting like brushing through my clothed ass slightly. I decided to give a hard step on his toe causing him to wince loud out on the bus, diverted every passenger's eyes on him. I can tell he's embarrassed by the gaze of all people even though he wanted to slap me just by turning to look at him while me, acting innocent. 

I heard him cussed a 'Fuck' before he pressed the bell and got off the car at the next stop. My lips turned into a smile of victory, flipping my hair before holding on tight to handrail again. "Messed on the wrong bitch." 


"Jen!" There's Rosé, waving at me to sit beside her on the vacant seat. She has already helped me ordered my food, we decided to eat at the company's cafeteria since there are not many people here and the food is kinda acceptable today. I remembered last time the cook accidentally put dog food in our soup which was supposed for the street dogs at the back of our company, chef mistook the beef can for the dogs one, so yeah... that's one of the reasons why we always choose to eat outside. 

"Where's Mina?" 

"On a date?"

"WHAT?!" Unbelievable, why am I always the last who gets the news. This is so not fair and I feel betrayed, okay I should probably quit this little drama in my head. "With who?" I asked, calming down a bit, but still with a little excitement. 

"Duh, her girlfriend of course, who else." Rosé rolled her eyes at me before processing munching tons of spoons of rice sending to her mouths full. 

"Yeah I know but who? Do we know her?" She swings her head in denial, yeah I guess so. Rosé's head is full of food now, there's no use talking to her during her eating session, you always get nothing since all she thinks about is her food displaying in front of her. I chuckled a bit and sigh seeing Rosé enjoying her food time while I also started to dig in my own food. 


[Lisa's POV]

Jisoo and Seulgi are currently with me now, trying to figure out some new concept for me to video. This could say the first time I'm running out of ideas for shooting a video, guess all my mind is stuck with the girl who makes my world bright every day, Jennie Kim. 

"Lis how about this?" I looked over to Seulgi who handed over me her phone, showing a hot issue that's trending on TikTok these recent days. 

"How You Like That...? What's this?" 

"A new single released by the current hot girl group BLACKPINK, they posted out sort of like a challenge dance thingy, why don't you use the song track and dance along with it? Or maybe just do some poses as the other did on their video." Seulgi shows me a tight smile along with Jisoo nodding beside me, agreeing to what she says.

To be honest, I'm not into this one. I mean, it's a lot different than my categories, mines are full of swag or dancing freely, showing charms. But? These are cuteness and I'm pretty sure it's not for me.

"Nah-uh, I don't think it fits me." I refused, even I cringes myself thinking me doing aegyo or stuffs that's similar to it. It cringes the hell out of me, so big no. But I guess Seulgi and Jisoo here are trying to force me to do this concept, just by seeing their eyes, it's telling me to do it.

Falling For The TikToker  - Jenlisa story [✔️]Where stories live. Discover now