Chapter 7

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[Lisa's POV] 

Jisoo called me this morning, yeah we are friends, for long decades already in case you don't know. She called me this morning that she wants to surprise her girlfriend this morning on their way to work as an apology for not being able to join their party last time, I was totally fine with it but I really don't get why I should accompany her. I mean, it's her girlfriend, not mines. There's really no point for me to be there at all, I literally just want to Netflix and chill on my sofa, doing nothing but a couch potato for the whole damn day. 

Not until this great friend of mine even breaks into my house just to drag me over with her.

I swear I'll kick her ass if we didn't meet her girlfriend on the way. 


Now we are here already. Since she dragged me out before I could get change, I'm only having my oversized black hoodie on me with extra-large sweatpants. It's comfy and I like it so don't judge. "Jis, are you sure she goes through this alley to work?" She gave me a hundred percent sure look, telling me not to worry and we'll definitely meet her. Though I'm still doubting it. This certainly reminded me of a similar scene years ago with her first suitor, she dragged me with her as well and they were supposed to meet at the park but Jisoo insists she's going to pass through the museum alley so she planned to wait there to give a surprise. 

As you can guess, it turns upside down and her suitor was waiting for Jisoo for almost the whole afternoon while Jisoo and I were waiting in the alley. A tragic you could say, that suitor thinks she tricked her for asking her out, end of the story. Yet here she goes again, not learning the lesson. 

"Jisoo are you really sure of it? Don't you remember the last time you did this and it was completely out of a surprise for us?" 

"Aish Limario trust me okay? I've tracked her down for days and I'm sure of it." She's acting proud and sure with her plan while I'm frowning hard right now.

Did she just say the word 'track down'?

"Did you just say track down?! By following her?"

"Yeah, of course, then how am I supposed to know if she'll pass here if I don't do that?" 

"You creepy creep! I never thought you would use this kind of way to know your girl." 

"Excuse me? Creep? I'm just making sure her way home and to work is safe man, how is that making me a creep!" 

"It just does! You can't just follow someone... Ugh, you know what? Never mind." I gave up when she's about to defend her ass again, I never won with her argument anyway. It would be easier if I just give up. Now she's showing that victory look of hers, what an arrogant bitch yet she's my best out of best friend forever. She smirked wiggling my arms while hopping in excitement, I can tell it's her coming by Jisoo's sudden reaction. 

"Where?" I asked when she pointed her finger towards two slender figures walking towards us without noticing. A blonde and a brunette.

Should I say they look extremely familiar?

Ah wait, aren't they chubby cheeks friends? 


"OH MY GOD!" It's quite awkward to say that I and those two girls both jumped in the air of a sudden scared by Jisoo. I quickly hold my face and walk behind Jisoo and cleared my throat, looking somewhere else instead of them.

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