Chapter 1

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Atlanta, GA

Saturday 11:33 p.m.

Club Legend

At a bar sat a young male with a bored look on his face. He was nursing a brown drink swirling it around as his mind trailed off in thought. The club was packed as usual with everyone socializing but the boy at the bar was by his lonely.

He grasped his glass and swallowed the rest of the beverage down before sighing and getting up.

Might as well get this night over as fast as possible, he thought to himself as he made his way through the crowds of people. He was scoping it out, his eyes switching fast from person to person.

That's one ugly, he looked to his left, that's one basic, he looked to his right, can't dress.

He was starting to get annoyed now. Normally he has no problem finding someone adequate to fuck for the night but right now he was getting pissed. Everyone in this club was either trying too hard or not trying enough.

He was about to give up and just walk out until his eyes caught a tall figure leaning against a wall in the back corner of the club.

This guy was mysterious and he liked that.

Without another thought, he made his way over to the man. He was even taller close-up. In the darkness of the club, he could make out some blonde dreads, face piercings, and a pair of sunglasses.

"Hey," he called out eyes as sly as a fox, "you look lonely, why's that?"

The man leaned his head down giving him a once-over. He was quiet for a moment before asking, "What's ya name?"

"Ignoring my question," Kentrell smiled, "disobedient already but I'll tell you, I'm Kentrell."

The man chuckled to himself showing white sparkly teeth, "My bad I'm Thug."

"Thug? That's my favorite kind of men."

Thug smiled again with a tilt of his head, "Foreal?"

"Yeah," Kentrell took a step forward invading Thug's personal bubble, "and you wanna know what I do with thugs?"

Thug matched Kentrell's energy taking a step as well. They were both only a breath away from each other. Thug easily towered over Kentrell making the shorter have to strain his neck to look at up him.

"What you do?"

"Meet me round' back and you'll see."

Kentrell left from Thug's heat and walked away. He glanced back at Thug sending a wink the man's way before disappearing into the darkness.

It was dark, cramped, and hot.

And Kentrell loved it.

Nothing like having sex outside the back of a club in between close walls to make your body shiver with excitement. His knees and hips were burning at the uncomfortable position he was standing in but fuck it he didn't care. He was getting completely railed.

Heavy, hot breaths escaped out of his mouth and into the cold night. The smack of their bodies colliding with each other sounded off into the alleyway sending an echo right back to them.

Kentrell whined when his favorite spot was hit.

"Ah just like that nigga!"

Thug hummed smugly to himself as he thrusted even harder into Kentrell smushing the smaller closer to the wall. He reached up with his free hand to pull at Kentrell's wild hair yanking his neck back, "You like that shit don't it?"

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