The arrival ~

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Suga POV

"Today on Tokyo news we have heard that the famous Yuri Kobayashi also known as the queen of Tokyo is coming back in town from living in America for four years along with her husband who was born and raised in America, itsuki hinata and wow, am I looking forward to seeing those two again anyway back to you Kai." I turn off the tv and turn To the rest of the team. "in a month from now, at our game with nekoma the queen might come to are game." I say trying to keep a straight face.

 I can see everyone's faces glow up with happiness while they all turn and talk to each other. I let out a chuckle and turn to hinata hoping to see the ball of sunshine glowing even bright than before, when I turned I looked at him to see the opposite, his eyes looked dull and wide as he turned away from the Tv and at Tanaka and noya. " I wonder what's wrong with hinata." Asahi  says with a worry look." I'm sure he's fine," dachi stated putting  his hand on our shoulders "plus it's hinata he always turns out fine." He said with a reassuring smile " your right..." I say standing up to pack "EVERYONE START PACKING YOUR STUFF, NOYA AND TANAKA STAY BEHIND TO CLEAN UP THE GYM!" Daichi said standing up, I started laughing at all the groans of annoyance and pain as everyone got up to leave. He always turns out fine I reassure my self while I walk out the gym.


A week later 

Noya's POV 

It has been a week since the news and for some reason shoyo has been less energetic than usual, we tried to ask if he was ok but we always got the same answer: I'm fine! I'm just tired that's all!. 

One day while we were practicing hinata got a phone call." Who is that?" Ryu-San asked. We all turned to him and went quiet as he talked."who is this." He asked, we all wait a second till shoyo's eye went wide."o-oh ok you can drop her off at practice...." he said hang up the phone. At  first we all thought he was just shocked about something till he stopped his phone and his eyes went dull. Suga and yamaguchi ran up to him and start shacking him and yelling his name,"hinata!" Suga said shaking him, we all started yelling till "OI BOKE!" Kageyama said punching him in the arm. Hinata blinked and then looked around at everyone "o-oh sorry about that he said picking his phone up and putting it in his bag. "Who was that." tsukkishima said from behind us. Hinata turned to tsukkishima glaring at him like he was about to kill him, we all shivered at that and tsukkishima's eyes went wide and he turned around "it was nothing...." he said walking over to the ball pit." Is it ok if my sister comes to practice today?" He asked as he turned to daichi and Suga, I turned to ryu "dude..." I say staring at him. He turns back at me"bro..." he says in return. "YOU HAVE A SISTER!" We yell in usion. 

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