Family reunion 3

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There hinata was with a tailcoat with a yellow bow tie walking through the heavy doors along side with mafuyu and natsu on his side with aone and Yamaguchi behind him. As they walked through the ballroom to the middle of the room everyone started bowing down and aone started to say "prince Shoyo amorous he , Shoyo hinata."

While the teams where standing there shock Yamaguchi and natsu started to look around and stated "heard the princess was HOT, where is she." They said smirking at the crowds of people around them and winking at some. 

As everyone was staring hinata notice that some were looking at mafuyu with shock or confused cause he hadn't  been back and years so some didn't even know him. He turned to mafuyu and then put his elbow on his shoulder with a smirk on his face " and that good people is why, he got all cute and dropped by." He turned around to look at the crowd before continuing. "With-" but before he could he was interrupted with a bunch of people who know what he was gonna say since they had heard him say this millions of times before. " sixty elephants, llamas galmore." Some said as they turned to look at each other with a smile. "For real?" Hinata said kinda surprise that some of them still remembered him singing that every time they entered the ball room when he was younger." With his bears and lions, a brass band and more." They said staring at hinata with amazement and happiness that he brought back the memory that made them all smile. "What" he said turning back to mafuyu to show him that people still remember him when he was a baby and no one could ever forget about him as long as he was there. "With his forty fakirs his cooks, his bakers." Hinata and natsu start wooing as they sung. "His birds that warble on key." Hinata and natsu turn to the people as they finshed the song. "Make way, for prince mafuyu." They said together bowing down.

 After they finshed everyone started clapping and laughing together. "I told you they remember you Sato!" Hinata said jumping on to him. Sato let out a small laugh before waving to his boyfriend who was among the crowd. Kageyama and Uenoyama who were furious Because Shoyo didn't tell Kageyama his best friend and mafuyu didn't tell his boyfriend. They both stomped there way towards them in the middle of the ballroom. 

Hinata and mafuyu who were greeting everyone heard loud footsteps come there way. hinata's smiled when he saw Kageyama but his eyes widened when he point to everyone else along with the other teams. " what are you doing hinata! Why are you coming in from the queen's doors!?" Kageyama Said yelling in his face get spit on his clothes. Everyone turned around and looked at the two with shock. Hinata looked down at his clothes and then back up at Kageyama with Disgust. "What the hell was that for bakayama!" He said stepping back bumping into someone. Kageyama and hinata both turned around and looked at the huge figure Behind them. " heyo sho long time no see." Said the tell figure. While Kageyama was left confused hinata's eyes went wide. "Kuronoō- San!" Hinata said jumping in his arms. Kuronoō laughed at this and hugged him back "how have you been luv?" He said with a smile on his face." I see your still a flirt, and I have been great other than the fact mom is back in town..." he said looking away. "Oh come on sho don't be like that." He said give sho a little shove.

 Hinata thought about for a second before giggling a little bit. " yeah you're right." He said looking up at kuronoō. Kuronoō smirked and looked down at the tangerine " I'm al-" but before he could finish his sentence he was interrupted but someone " always right." Mafuyu said looking at Kuronoō with a faint smile on his face. Kuronoō looked up and meet with mafuyu's eyes. It took him a moment to figure out who it was but when he did he was historical." SATO IS THAT REALLY YOU!" He said running in to his arms." Well if it wasn't me you wouldn't have ran into my arms dumbass." He said snickering under his breath. Kuronoō who wasn't fazed by his words once So ever looked at him with stars in his eyes. " YOUVE GROWN SO BIG! LAST TIME I SAW YOU YOU WERE TINY AND QUIET!" He said jumping up and down. Mafuyu sighed as he looked at the other. " your only two years older than me , get a grip." He said look at him with disgust. Kuronoō who felt disappointed that he grew up to act like this turned to Shoyo.

" Was he always like this or did you do something to him." He stated glaring hinata's way hinata but his arms up in the air and shrugged." I didn't have anything to do with him now, after he left he was officially uncles property." Hinata said looking at Kuronoō. Kuronoō didn't believe a single piece of shit that was coming out of hinata's mouth but he just let it go for the time being. As hinata started talking to Kageyama again to explain everything a loud bang was heard from the front door. As everyone turned their heads towards the door two Brown headed kids came running in yelling." Prince Shoyo!" They yelled jumping on him. Everyone was left in pure shock except for Kuronoō. He had a slight smirk on his face as he turned to Shoyo.

" Ahh did I fall to mention that the twins were in town also?" Hinata who looked towards Kuronoō was annoyed with his ignorance. "Yes, yes you did." He said trying to pull the twins off of him along with aone. As the twins were pulled off of him someone came running in." JII AND JOON IF YOU DONT COME HERE RIGHT NOW!" their mother Yelled at them. All five of them stopped what they were doing. ( Kuronoō,hinata,aone,jii,joon.) the twins ran towards their mother as the other three sat quiet. After the twins mom calmed both them down she went over to hinata and Kuronoō. "I'm so sorry about the twins hinata. I told them to be quiet when they got in but it seems they didn't do so." She stated bowing. Hinata felt sorry so he bowed too. Everyone was left in pure shook as they saw the prince bow down to a commoner. " no need to bow Mrs. mon, I'm sure they didn't mean it. They are only 12 anyways." He said with a smile.

And this is what they look like.



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And kuronoō:

As mrs

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As mrs.mon lifted her head with a smile she turned towards kuronoō. " ahh how lovely to see you kuronoō. I haven't seen you since you were 13 yet you still have your baby face." Kuronoō who was a little shy about his baby face turned around and started skulking in the corner. Both Hinata and mrs. mon saw this as it had went unnoticed and laughed. "Come on kuno stop being shy, we love your baby face." Hinata said with a smile. Kuronoō who jumped up straight away and ran towards Hinata smiled widely. "SO YOU DO STILL REMEMBER MY NICKNAME!" He said grabbing hinata's shoulders  and started jumping up and down. Hinata smiled and grabbed kuronoō by the collar. "Of course I remember your nickname stupid. You made me say it every time we saw each other." 

I'm just gonna make the next part cause I'm lazy.

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