Random number ~

420 24 6


Hinata's POV 

"YOU HAVE A SISTER!" noya and Tanaka said in usion. "Y-yeah" I say backing up. After I said that they started surrounding me with questions."what's her name?""how old is she?""is she cute!" They both backed me up into the wall till Suga came to the save with"hey kiyoko-San!" After those few words they both went running to the door. I scoff and grab my phone, 2:26 pm just a little longer till she gets here.... I mummer walking over to my bag. 

10 minutes later 

Dadchi POV 

I see a little head pop through the door looking around the gym till her eyes stop on someone "ONII-CHAN!!" I hear her yell that must me hinata's sister  I think to my self.  She runs up to him and jumps on to him. "Hey natsu." He said smiling at her with bright eyes. "Your late..." he says trailing off, she giggled at him and let go of him.

Third person

"Your not off the hook just yet." Hinata said dropping his smile, everyone looked at him confused till he said "what happened." They all turned to natsu and she started to explain. "Well.... while you were gone I was playing on my iPad and eating some leftover strawberry short cake when my phone started ringing.." she has a phone!?! Everyone thought. "Continue...." hinata said glaring at natsu. " and I went over to see who it was and it was labeled unknown number." Natsu said starring at her feet," what happened next." Hinata ask already knowing."well I answered it.." natsu said "knowing.." hinata asked waiting for a answer "knowing that you said don't answer anyone that you don't know with your permission.." natsu said looking at the wall, "ok and I know  who it was so tell me what she said...." hinata asked grumbling under his breath. " she said she wanted us to come home for dinner on Wednesday cause Thursday she is having a welcome back party..." natsu said looking at hinata with sad eyes, hinata cursed under his breath and grabbed his phone, before typing in a number he turned to natsu and asked" did anything else happen while I at practice?"natsu stayed quiet for a second till "yeah..." hinata turned his attention to her waiting for her to continue. "I got another call but this time it was someone i really didn't know... he said he wanted to talk to you and his name was mafuyu Sato." Everyone turned to hinata to see his eyes wide. He started dialing a number and ran to the corner of the gym no one knew what was happening thill they heard a soft "b-brother is that you.....!" 

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