naegami » clarity

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11/3/20 » naegami » clarity

danganronpa trigger happy havoc's forth class trial. makoto and byakuya are simply classmates.

spoilers for thh.


          Byakuya Togami's view on reality was . . . interesting to say the least. It was as if he was viewing the world in glasses than were tinted a shade of unimportance. He believed that being the best was the only thing he needed to do in life. Nothing else. Those glasses didn't come off until the world turned upside down.
          At the sound of the killing game, the heir knew he was going to win, no question about it. He was the winner of other silly competitions, why was this any different? Little did Byakuya know that this was a lot different. This was literal life or death. There was a greater chance of dying than living. And somewhere deep in his mind, he knew that. He knew that he was probably going to die. But was that going to haunt him for his entire time in this stupid game? No.
          This arrogant tint to life stayed until one certain moment. During the forth class trial, he was arguing with a certain someone over the death of a fellow classmate.
         “Oh come on! How can you say that?! How can you know what I don't know?!” the blonde yelled across the trial room, his arrogant facade falling off in a fit of panic.
          As the brunette across the room spilled all of his evidence, Byakuya's metaphorical glasses, along with their tint of unimportance, fell off of his face and shattered onto the floor. The male felt flustered, mad, and so many other emotions. But one stuck out in the back of his mind, one that intrigued him more than the others.
          His face slowly filled with a dark red color, slowly nodding. “. . . sorry. Please, just continue,” the male said, adjusting his actual glasses and averting his gaze. He felt so . . . weird. All of the sudden, he didn't feel as comfortable as he previously did.
          The blonde's eyes landed on Makoto Naegi, the male who always seemed to be right in these class trials. However, Byakuya usually saw people like this a challenge. Now, he only sees him as an equal. A friend, even. But why did his face flush? Why did his heart flutter and he felt embarrassed? Why was he suddenly very concentrated on where his hands were? Oh fuck no. This isn't happening.
           Byakuya felt his knees weaken slightly, gripping the stand, without making a scene, to hold himself up. This was confusing. He's never felt things like this for anybody- why now? He's in a fucking killing game. Makoto is probably going to die. He has to be strong, he cannot show any signs of weakness here. Otherwise, Makoto might be the one to kill him.
          Soon, the trial was over. Byakuya stood silently, watching Alter Ego's execution. His expression was as stone cold as usual, but a slight glint of something in his eyes. Was it confusion? Was it hatred? Was it vulnerability? What the hell was it?!
          As he made his way back to his dorm after the trial, the blonde felt a tug on his sleeve. Byakuya turned to see the small boy that he had previously been thinking about for the latter end of the trial. “What do you want, Makoto?” In his voice, there was no tone of usual hatred. It was simply cold and tired, but there was depth to it. If you delved deeper, you'd see a ton of confusion.
          “I just wanted to say that it's okay to be wrong. I saw you gripping the trial stand back there. You were beating yourself up about it, weren't you? Look, it's okay! It was a simple mistake, and there was a lot of evidence for it, it was my initial guess as well! But don't worry, everything's fine and you'll do great in the case!” Makoto said, that everlasting glint of hopefulness in his eye. He hoped that his small speech made the taller boy feel better in the long run.
         It wasn't that I was beating myself up about. Togami simply stared down at the other, slowly pulling that arrogant facade up again. “I don't need your sympathy. I'm fine, and I'm not going to make another mistake. Now get out of my sight, I have work to do,” the male said, walking away into his room without warning.
          As soon as the door was closed, Byakuya sat down on the edge of his bed. He put his head in his hands, letting out an aggravated sigh. He mumbled a few curses to himself, trying to evaluate what was going on with him.
          As he did, he realized something. He believed Makoto was his equal. Byakuya Togami never believed that a commoner with no talent was his equal. Byakuya was changing. All because of Makoto. That boy had knocked off his glasses of arrogance. He had shown him true clarity.


word count - 809
okay, shorter than i wish it was, but i think it's still cute. byakuya being vulnerable is my SHIT. i love writing cold characters actually opening up and starting to be better people. and that starts when knocking those stupid glasses off. yeah i'm being super cheesy here but hey, lemme write what i write, broski-

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