This chapter contains content dealing with abusive relationships— if this triggers you please stop reading now thank you!I felt like a fucking badass.
Thankfully there were no teachers nearby as I entered the hallway. But there were a fuck ton of horny teenagers.
I heard audible gasps as I walked down the hallway, making sure to add an extra swing to my hips.
"WHAT THE FUCK" I smiled hearing the anger in Zach's voice. "Zachy poo, just the guy I was looking for." I gave him and innocent smile and a wink. "What's wrong?" He looked as if he would explode.
"What the fuck are you wearing." I shook my head in foe confusion, "What, you don't like it?" He grabbed my wrist with such force that pain shot up my arm. "What the fuck" I said, trying to pry his fingers off of my throbbing arm. "You're coming with me." He started to drag me through the hallway.
From the corner of my eye I saw a blue eyed boy staring at me in a different manner than everyone else. His eyes were filled with concern, not lust.
Weird. "Like hell I am." I slip from his grasp and dart into the nearest women's restroom. Haha he can't get in here.So here we are. Back in the present. My practically bare ass pressing against the bathroom stall, my chest rising and falling rapidly. The door to the bathroom suddenly bursts open and Zach storms into the restroom.
His blonde hair is gelled into a perfect swoop and his khakis and sweater are perfectly pressed, not an imperfection in sight. His brown eyes- however- are filled with rage. "This is the women's bathroom" I say wagging a finger in his face. "Can't you read the sign?"
He brings up a hand and slaps me, hard, right across the cheek. "Shut the fuck up you whore. Do you realize what you have just done to my reputation?"
Now let me give you a little background on Zach, aka Zachary James Astor, the fourth. That's a bit of a mouthful.
Zach comes from a fuck ton of money, more than I could ever imagine. His mom and dad compensated their awful parenting by giving him an endless supply of money. In turn- Zach turned out to be a giant asshole who got anything he wanted. You might be wondering how I ended up dating him. Well it's not a cute story to say the least.
We hooked up at a party and we both enjoyed the sex enough that we decided to start dating, it just made sense.
Zach had only been physical with me a few times when he was really mad. One of these instances involved a hand job given to a very deserving club security guard in my opinion, Zach didn't seem to think so. But that's a story for another time...
Anyways, there is no way in hell I'm gonna let this guy hit me and get away with it. I curl my hand into a fist and punch him as hard as I can in the jaw. I hear a satisfying crunch.
"You bitch" He grabs me by the neck and slams me against the wall, my head hits the surface with a crack. "You're gonna regret that." An evil smile stretches across his lips. I try to push his hands off but I am useless, he's got at least a foot and 75 pounds on me. I scratch at his fingers but he is unfazed.
The bathroom door bursts open again and this time the blue eyed boy enters, his wavy black hair a mess and falling slightly into his eyes. He is wearing black jeans and a simple black t shirt with a red and black flannel, and black chuck taylors.
Damn this guy had a hell-of-a lot better style than Zach. He held a slightly terrified expression walking into the bathroom but anger took over his face when he saw Zach strangling me against the bathroom door.
"Get the fuck out of here kid" Zach snarled. "Like hell I am. Get your fucking hands off of her." His voice is thick with an English accent. Zach only tightens his grip around my throat. "I said get. The fuck. Out." The blue eyed boy lunges at Zach and shoves him off of me, surprising both me and Zach.
"Who the hell do you think you are" Zach spits at him, grabbing him by the collar. "I'm the guy who just called campus security you asshole." He says, shoving Zach away from him. "Shit."
Zach looks back and forth between us. Obviously weighing out his options. He could stay and get his ass kicked by security or he could leave like the pussy he is. He chose the latter.
The boy looks at me after Zach leaves. "Are you okay?" He places his hands lightly on my shoulders and looks me up and down, managing not to look pervy, but sweet and caring. "I'm fine," I say rubbing my throat.
I cross my hands over my chest and his cheeks turn a bright pink. "Uhm here you go," he shimmies out of his flannel and hands it to me, making sure to keep eye contact.
I smile at his awkwardness and slip the flannel over my lacy lingerie and button it up all the way. It reaches halfway down my thighs proving how much taller I assumed he was compared to me.
"It looks good on y- I mean uhm you look nice." He stutters. I smirk and raise one eyebrow, "Oh so you don't prefer the other." His cheeks turn even redder and he coughs, releasing a sort of choking sound. "Th-That was good too. I mean- shit I'm dumb sorry." I giggle at his loss for words.
The bathroom door bursts open for a third time and two school security guards enter, "You said their was a fight?" I answer before the blue eyed boy can speak, "It's okay, I beat him up." I wink at the security guard who spoke.
His cheeks turn pink but he manages to choke out, "Th-That's good, s-so I guess you won't be needing our help after all." The second security guard rolls his eyes then narrows them at me. "That dress is a bit short for school don't you think young lady?" Oh if only he knew what was underneath it.
I lift my arms to pull my hair into a ponytail with a spare hair tie on my wrist, causing the dress to hike up even further on my thighs. The first security guard sucks in a breath. The second speaks again, "Come with me young lady, we will have to call your parents to bring you a change of clothes." Haha good luck with that.
I stop at the door before leaving and waggle my fingers waving to the blue eyed boy "see ya later babe" I say with a wink, he bites his full bottom lip holding in a smile, "see ya."

Romance18+ MATURE CONTENT*** READ AT YOUR OWN RISK YOU PERVS;) As cliche as it sounds, this isn't your typical love story. The bad girl has fallen for the good boy. She teaches him how to fuck. He teaches her how to love. *Disclaimer* This is a work in pro...