welcome to live in this moment

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so.... hi there!

honestly, i don't think anyone is going to read this, but i'll be writing and rambling about things in my life (and myself hehe)

as usual, please respect my opinions... there's going to be a lot of them in there...

anyway, i don't have much to say...

so i guess this is a very short intro... lol

but thanks for clicking on this book and giving it a go :) i hope you know how much it means to me!

anyways, all introductions aside, here's some shameless promotions of my other books in case you haven't read any yet.... (and i strongly suggest you do ;))

together, under the stars (completed):

The summer has rolled around once again and Zennzy and her friends are off to camp! What they expect is a week full of fun and excitement, escaping drama and spending some quality time together.

But when the one person Zennzy least expects to show up DOES show up, things get thrown a little -- or a lot -- off track.

In LivingWithMyLife's debut book, follow Zennzy and her friends as they explore first loves, uncover secrets, take part in a once-in-a-lifetime experience at camp. 

the legend of starbound staer (completed): 

All Jayleanne ever wanted was a normal life with her friends and family on the planet Mrres in the solar system Karnessa, but when she's forced onto a spaceship to a completely different solar system and planet, her entire life is turned upside down.

Only bravery, sacrifice, and determination will allow her fulfill the prophecy that she had been chosen for eons ago. 

a collection of oneshots and short stories (ongoing):

A collection of all the random small stories and/or pieces of writing I do when I'm bored or facing a writer's block and entries to contests.

12 days of writing (my submissons):

These are my submissions for the 12 Days of Writing Short Story Contest (2020).

there's more on the way ;) but those are my main stories (plus i have one on discontinued *cri*)

please check them out! i'd reeeaallly appreciate it lol. they can all be found on my profile :)

aaanyway i think that's enough of an intro 

please dont forget to vote, comment, follow, and share!

lwml <3

p.s. the lowercase is intentional :) im going through a lowercase/aesthetic phase right now... bear with me :D

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