Chapter 5

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Days on the ship passed slowly. Though I was enthralled with my first days at sea, I quickly learned that there was little to do besides watching the crew, and the water beneath us. And still, Levi's enthusiasm never faded. Every moment possible, he would walk with Seth, who patiently explained the use of every knot and rope. When Captain Davies shouted a command, Levi would watch with wonder as the crew fulfilled the order. I loved my brother more than most anything in this world, and seeing the joy that sailing brought him made my days more tolerable.

Peter often found me between his duties, and we would speak of meaningless topics. I was far from considering him a friend, and still, he provided more entertainment than anything else available to us. I was not ignorant of his flirtations, and did not mind them. I so rarely allowed myself the time to acknowledge those beneath my station. I had no choice but to marry a wealthy man, and so could not manage to see the point in speaking with anyone less than that. But something about this ship made me feel a little separated from who I was in New York. Here, I was not the daughter of a wealthy Major in His Majesty's Royal Army, but merely a girl traveling from one destination to the next. It sparked within me a strange sense of excitement that became addictive.

"Do you know if we are to be your means of return to the colonies?" Peter asked one day, as we stood at the bow. The Valiant broke through the waves beneath us, and I couldn't help but be entranced by the crashing of the water.

"I do not. I'm not certain how long we are to remain in England. It could be three weeks, or seven months. It all depends upon the temperament of my mother."

"Then perhaps you could sway her temperament towards coming home the next time we are docked in England."

"If it were that easy, I would've swayed her temperament so we never left New York in the first place."

"And prevent us ever having met? A crime."

I laughed a bit, and shook my head. "Unfortunately, I'm afraid I would've chosen my home over our meeting. My apologies."

He shrugged, and smiled all too handsomely. "New York truly must be a land of milk and honey in that case." We watched one another for a moment, and I could see in his eyes some boyish mischief. And it excited me.

A loud shout from the crow's nest caught my attention, though I did not understand the command. "What've they said?" I asked.

Peter straightened immediately, and walked briskly towards the stern. "We're being flagged down by another British vessel."

He walked briskly, weaving in between a sea of soldiers, but I somehow managed to keep up with him. In focusing on his path, I allowed my skirt to drag through some brown liquid puddled on the deck, making me sigh with dismay. "Why would we be flagged down? Is everything alright?"

"I'm not sure yet."

Levi stood at the stern, and as I joined his side, he smiled. "See the ship over there, Em?" he asked, pointing towards a vessel nearer to the horizon than to us. "They've asked us to stop. What do you think it could be?" His childlike excitement was infectious.

"I haven't the slightest idea, but they'd best be quick, or else Mother will throw a fit."

Not thirty minutes later, a small rowboat was lowered from the approaching vessel, and began on its way to our ship. Four British soldiers occupied the small boat, their red coats standing out vibrantly against the dark sea. Their brightness nearly hid the fact that a fifth figure occupied the boat as well, hunched over and small. His clothes were torn, his hair long and unkempt. I was instantly intrigued at the sight of him. What had he done? Surely he had to be a prisoner of war, or better yet, a pirate. Either way, it provided a bit of excitement to the everyday drawl of life on the Valiant, and the deck buzzed with curiosity and excitement. As a ladder was lowered from the main deck, the five newcomers began to climb.

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