Hunted part one

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I sat in class that day that I first saw him. He was sitting two rows in front of me. When I got up to sharpen my pencil I got a glimpse of him. He had dark hair in a high and tight cut, his shirt had Dirks Bently on it and he wore worn blue jeans. I was so focused on looking at him that I didn't realize I was about to trip over someone's books. Too late I tried to catch myself, but I didn't grab onto anything. Out of no where a strong arm grabbed my waist and held me before I fell to the ground. He helped me up and when I looked at who it was I turned red. It was the new kid. Kids around me were laughing, but he just smiled and asked if I was alright. "Sure she is. She just fell over you." Said a boy named Frank. He is what you could call a bully, of corse if you ask me most of the kids in my school could of been catagorized as bullies. I turned redder than before, if that was possible. He didn't seem to notice though. He helped me back to my seat, somehow he thought if he would of let go of me I would fall again. I couldn't look at anyone around me, but I could tell that they were all staring at me. After that first class with him I couldn't stop thinking about him. Every time I passed him in the halls I blushed deep red, and stopped talking. All my friends think I have a crush on him, but I really don't. I just want to know who he is. So today thats going to change. We have three of the same classes, two in a row and the last class of the day, which is my next class. I quickly set my stuff down and look to where he sits everyday. He always comes in early, I take a deep breath and then I walk over to his desk. As I rest my hand on his table he looks up. His eyes are green and they seem to hide the world. 

"Um, hi. We met a couple of weeks ago, you may not remember." He faintly smiled. 

"Yeah, I wasn't able to catch your name."  

"Oh yeah, I'm Carah." 

"Well I'm Dillan, of corse you probubly already know that, right." 

"Acually no, I don't hear much of the gossip of this school. I mean not that anyone talks about you or anything- I mean, well what I'm trying to say. Um, yeah. I should just leave." As I looked at his face he didn't seem like he was laughing but more like he understood. I turned to walk away when he gently set his hand on my arm.  

"Wait, do you need a ride home today?" I looked at him as if he had read my mind.  

"Um yeah, how do you know?" 

"I overheard you talking about you having to walk home today with your friend in history class." Were we speeking loud enough for everyone to here? Summer and I usually talked quietly.  

"Anyway, I'm headed out right after school, if you need a ride I can give you one if you want."  

"Yeah, that'd be great."  

"Okay sweet, I'll just follow you from this class to your locker, that fine with you?"  

"No problem." I smiled and turned around. Did that just really happen? Did the guy that always makes me turn red in the halls, that my friends think I have a crush on, really just offer to give me a ride home? Well, wasn't that my plan all the time? I just didn't believe that it would work. I quietly sat in my seat. The rest of that class couldn't be over fast enough. Somehow math class seems to always take forever. All those x²'s and √Y's and sum of what ever the teacher is talking about, it takes forever. Finally the bell rang and I got up fast and quickly gathered my stuff. When I looked up he was smiling and standing right in front of my desk. I laughed nervously. 

"Sorry, I have a lot of stuff." He reached down and picked up my binder and math book with one hand and held them in his arm with ease as though they didn't weigh fifteen pounds like they did for me.  

"Here, let me help." I grabbed the rest of my stuff and sudenly looked around as if I was scared to see someone look at him with me, carring my books. Then I started for the door with a hushed thanks. When I stopped in the halls to try not to get ran over I assumed that if he was following me he would of ran into me, but he didn't. And when I looked behind me, there he was waiting patiently with my books in his right hand and his in his left. I was about to grab my stuff when he jerked his head forward and when I turned back around there was a big space. We quickly walked down the halls to our hallway and down to my locker. 3451A. Combination 12-37-09. I turned around and he handed me my books and I set them in my locker. Then I checked my planner. No homework in math, history, english, or writting. I put my planner in my backpack and the book I was reading and pulled it out of my locker. With a quick swift movment I shut my locker and ran into Dillan. I felt him chuckle and then heard it slip out his mouth as he moved out of my way. 

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