C7: "Completing missions"

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The first week passed and she managed to complete the mission [Upload statistics], she decided to focus on it after obtaining the two new missions after her second day of training. This way he could focus on other things later.

The good thing about doing this was that he managed to receive a child of +2 on all the statistics as a reward in the world, if one day he manages to unlock MP this value would also be added there. She was happy about this, she suspected she might be a winning serial if she looked to finish in a week in a month's watch.

She, happy to be even a little stronger, began to raise her battle skills, trying not to resort to mana to fight; She tried to reduce the life of her targets to distant days using a bow and arrow. However, he did not achieve this only after a month of failing his objectives and having heartbreaking life and death battles against them; The good thing is that at hand he had a choice of mana or HP which he used in case of emergence day.

Those of mana will recover the mana used for castrating spells. Raise tell him the mana available in the tower after its excess; but nevertheless his body could not absorb the recreational effects of MP from these. So she only drank one after noticing the warning of the system that told her, after this she depended on what hunting to drop a crystal to be able to replenish her MP from the tower so to avoid depending on this her melee skills body went up a lot.

Now two months had passed and her daily routine of only sleeping 5 hours had not changed, only her training changed. She now practiced fighting with the monsters that were out there. He even overcame homemade traps at this time, however they did not always work or were lethal; being traps that will trap these wild beasts at best.

But thanks to this he managed to complete the mission of killing 10 of these wolves in one day by trapping them in one place and leaving them for later, of course this cost him tomorrow and strategy. If she had fought face to face she would not have been able to but I was curious to see if this ptra would also give her an award.

Furthermore, his fighting stats were all at normal level lvl.1 and he learned many fighting skills as well. His current status was as follows.

[Name: Layla]

[Sex: Female]

[Race: Human]

[Mental Condition: Reckless (melee attacks are significantly increased, the possibility of entering under the effects of fear or being intimidated by an enemy is reduced); resistance to low grade mental attacks. Thanks to [Buddhist] you can resist normal grade attacks]

[Physical condition: Normal (currently recovering stamina)]

[Level: 1 (You can get to level up if certain circumstances are met)]

[HP: 15 (+3 obtained by absorbing mana from flesh or monster crystals in all this time, the World helped make this possible by concentrating the chances of it rising; it is a priority that you do not die in one hit) you die in two hits]

[MP: 0 (10,000,000 Tower)]

[Strength: 12]

[Defense: 12]

[Stamina: 12 (this is like a fusion between we and agility, which is the ability to be fast and maintain the speed measured in it)]

[Skills: - Fireball lvl.2]

[-Fire wall lvl.2]

[-Explosion lvl.3; -Sigil lvl.2]

[Strategy lvl.3]

[- General Combat Skills lvl. Max. Sub-categories of combat unlocked:]

[-Melee Combat lvl.2]

[- Armed Combat lvl.2, Subcategories Unlocked:]

[- Swordsman lvl.2]

[- Archer lvl.3, unlocked passive skill precision]

[-Use of two-handed weapons lvl.1, increases combat versatility when equipping weapons in both hands]

[- Use of one-handed weapons lvl. 1, increases strength +1 when you put all your effort and will go when holding your weapon]

[- Short-range club, bar, or club skills lvl. 2 (you can hit with things that may or may not be sharp causing a marer or Stun on the target)]

[- Long Range Weapon Skills lvl. 1 (keeping distance between you and your target makes it dizzy or slows it down a bit)]

[Mana management lvl. Max, reduces the mana cost and the casting speed of the skills that require it]

She was happy to see these statistics, for her who lived completely sedentary was something more than a great advance; while reviewing the statistics and planning what to do to continue with the other two missions that still had a new appearance]

[Find "Wolf's Lair" dungeon and challenge its first level 10 times, you don't need floor boss times when challenging the first level; clear at least all monsters on the first floor except the boss in one month]

[Challenge the floor boss, win at least once against the first floor boss; maximum time to complete mission 2 months]

[Warning if the first mission is not completed, the tower will suffer a "normal range surge" attack, a 25% chance of the tower remaining standing after the attack; It is suggested to raise the level of the tower cost 10,000,000MP]

[Warning of not fulfilling the second the tower will suffer a "high rank wave" attack, it is estimated that the tower will not be able to survive this.]

-Oh Holy shit- she exclaimed when she saw these missions on the blue screen in front of her, she didn't have much choice is in this world to survive and now this was happening to her. Most likely, this happened even without her and her tower was trying to warn her of impending danger.

If she wanted to stay in that place due to fulfill these last two missions, possibly while doing them she could find a high-ranking monster meat and its crystal. But with her status, is it something she can fight against?

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