Camilas pov
"Lauren, can we go out with the girls?" I ask, she nods softly
"Sure" she said, but she was still on her phone
"Lolo! Now" I say, she giggles
"I'm texting the girls babe" she said, I whine
"Okay, we can leave in 15 minutes" she said getting up, I grab onto her shirt to stop her from walking.
"I wanna go now!" I say, she frowns
"Are you in your head space babe?" She asked, i shrug
"Look, we will leave in 15 minutes okay, we need to get ready, the girls need to come over it's not long okay" she said, I sigh but nod.
"Good girl" she said kissing my head making me smile
"Come get ready" she said holding out her hand, I take Lauren's hand and we get ready.
After a while we were ready and the girls were here, Lauren told her parents we were going out and then.
"Go to the fair! Fair! I want to go to the fair!" I say, Lauren giggles holding me down
"Okay baby, can we go to the fair please?" She asked the cab driver, he chuckles nodding and we go
When we got there we look around and then 2 girls came up to us, I frown confused looking at Lauren who was also confused.
"Oh my god! Lauren, camilla, Dinah, ally and Normani" she said, I pout as she got my name wrong.
"It's camila" I say, Lauren smiles rubbing my back
"Do we know you?" Lauren asked
"Did you like go to school with or something?" Mani asked
"No! We just love your song" they said
"Ohhh" the girls said
"Can we take a picture with you?" They asked, the girls nod and I start to walk away
"Camz baby, come here" Lauren said, I pout
"But I wan Cotten candy" I say, she sighed apologising and grabs my hand holing me in place, they take the photo and Lauren takes me to the content candy.
"Happy now?" Lauren asked, I smile nodding eating it
We play a lot of games and win stuff, I had a big monkey as Lauren was holding all my other ones.
"Okay, Camz maybe we should stop of the teddy ones" Lolo said, i nod and go to a different game.
All day we just played games and won stuff, we were now sat down eating, those girls did take some sneaky pictures of us while we were here. Right now I'm cuddled into Lauren as she's feeding me and I see the girls, they were taking more photos of us, I hide in Lauren's side.
"Babe, come on eat" she said, I whine
"No girls taking photos" I mumble, she looks and nods
"It's fine, come on eat baby girl" she said, I sigh and eat as she feeds me
"Good girl" she whispers kissing my cheek, I smile and keep eating
After eating I got a belly ache, Lauren took me home as the girls stayed out.
I lay on the bed cuddling my new big monkey teddy, Lauren sits next to me and rubs my stomach.
"You okay?" She asked, i shook my head
"Belly hurts" I mumble, she nods laying down and pulling me close
"It'll go away soon" she said, I nod and she kisses my forehead
"How about you get into some bedtime clothes and we can watch anything you want" Lolo said, I smile nodding I get up and put my lion king pj set on, I lay in bed grabbing a little teddy because I wanted to cuddle Lauren.
She puts joggers and a baggy t-shirt on, she grabs the laptop and lays in bed with me, I cuddle her and she looks at me.
"What do you want to watch baby?" Lolo asked, I think
"Wizards of a Waverly place?" I ask, she nods and puts it on
We watch it for a while before I fell asleep cuddling Lauren

My famous little one
FanfictionSecond book to 'my little one' Lauren and camila have just left high school and are in a band with their friends, how will this affect their relationship? How will it affect friendships? Will camila have the time to be little or will she be stressed...