Dinahs pov
I was going to Camrens room to see if they were up to go exploring the new place we are at, I knock the door and no answer.
"Camren, it's Dinah open up lesbos" I say, again no answer
"Right, I'm coming in and if you're having sex I'm going to beat Lauren up" I say, I open the door and see they're not here.
"Hmm...what secrets does the camren room hold..." I mumble, I close the door and look around.
"Little mila stuff...Lauren stuff, gross boxers, condoms good...junk...bedside table, more condoms Jesus...book, book, notebook ohh this will be fun" I talk to myself, I sit on the bed and look.
"Do not read, not even you Lauren put this down or else, so cute" I giggle, I open up
"Lauren has great eyes over and over...okay true...Lauren's abs made me drool on stage today, she was really hot while dancing..gross..Dinah is the best friend ever, so are the others but Dinah and I have This really weird and close connection...awh, you should of wrote that mila instead of lauren has great eyes again...what the..." I look to see the rest of the pages are just poems.
I read them, then it clicked
"These are songs..." I go wide eyed and keep reading, it was obvious these were about Lauren, but they are great.
I hear camren talking so I quickly put the book back and lay on the bed, I grab my phone acting like that's all I've been doing.
"Oh my fucking god!" Lauren yells seeing me, I giggle.
"Good to see you too Lauren" I say, she rolls her eyes
"What are you doing here?" She asked, I smile
"Where have you been?" I ask, Lauren shook her head
"Lauren took me on a date!" Camila said, I smile
"That's nice! What did you do?" I ask, Lauren looks at her stuff, she picks up the condoms and I look around.
"You went through our stuff...these were in the pocket of my bag" she said, I shook my head
"No! I would never!" I say sarcastically, Lauren sighed shaking her head
"What do you want?" Lauren asked, I get up and go to mila
"Good writing" I whisper in her ear, she frowns then goes wide eyed
"You went through my book?!" She yells, i shrug
"And Lauren, don't buy so many condoms...you'll never need that many" I say, she pushes me out and I laugh.
"Bye camren, don't be too loud!" I say, Lauren closed the door on my face and I giggle going to the others rooms.
I tell them about camilas secret book, I told them how she wrote songs and they they were good, I took a few pictures and showed them, they also loved the songs.
*camilas pov*
"I can't believe she went through my book"
"I would never need that many condoms..our sex life is great!"
"You've never read my book right, Lauren?" I ask, she looks at me
"No of course not, you said not too" she said, I nod and she lays on the bed
"I can't believe she read it" I mumble, she pulls me down on the bed
"There can't be something that embarrassing in there" she said, I hand her my book
"Read it" I say, she frowns
"You sure?" I nod, she opens it and reads it
"Babe! This is amazing" she said after a while, I look at her
"Really?" I ask, she nods
"It's so good!" Lauren said, I smile
"You're so talented" she kept going
"Thank you" I say, she smiles and re reads one
"I love this one...worth it, it's so catchy...I'm making up a tune in my head obviously but I can just know it's catchy" she said, I smile wide.
"You're so fucking talented Camz!" She said, I giggle smiling wide
We keep talking about my book for a while, Lauren kept saying how good they are, how talented I was and it made me so happy. I was so insecure about my writing abilities but, Lauren is making me feel so much for confident in myself about it, she was also saying how we should record some but I wasn't sure about that yet. She understood and didn't push me to say yes or no, she is letting me think about it, she's such a great girlfriend.
Now we were cuddled up in bed just talking about random stuff, we soon fell asleep in each other's arms after a kiss goodnight and saying we love each other.

My famous little one
FanfictionSecond book to 'my little one' Lauren and camila have just left high school and are in a band with their friends, how will this affect their relationship? How will it affect friendships? Will camila have the time to be little or will she be stressed...