~~Part 1~~

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Hello I'm Min Y/N, I am married to Min Yoongi. But lately his been very cold hearted to me but it doesn't bother me because I know he loves me a lot just as much as I love him even if his cold hearted

Morning 7am
I woke up and I checked the time. It was 7am. I looked to my side to see my sweet, lovely husband Yoongi.
Y/n: "How are you so cute when you sleep?" I said while smiling to myself and gave him a peck on his cheek. I got up and did my morning routine.

(My outfit)

(My outfit)

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(My hair)

Then went downstairs to make us breakfast

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Then went downstairs to make us breakfast.

Yoongi POV

I woke up to no one besides me and I looked at the time, it was 7:30am. "Shoot" I said and got up and took a quick shower and headed downstairs

20 minutes later

I was done making breakfast and I placed it on the counter for me and Yoongi.

(What I made for us)

 After some time I heard footsteps and I know it's Yoongi

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After some time I heard footsteps and I know it's Yoongi. I greeted him with a warm smile.
Y/n: "Morning baby, I made you breakfast." I said while showing him the breakfast I made .
Yoongi: "I don't have time to eat, I'm late for work."
Y/N: "O-h Okay" Yoongi walked to the door and before he left he spoke
Yoongi: "I'll be coming late today so don't cook or wait for me."
Y/N: " Okay, I love-" before I could finish he already walked out the door. I sighed and cleaned the dishes. I went to the living room and sat down. Suddenly my phone rang. I looked at the ID, it was my Best friend Jisoo.
*On the Phone*
Y/N: Hello unnie~
Jisoo: Hey Y/N, I miss you
Y/N: I miss you too
Jisoo: So how's it going? How are you and Yoongi?
Y/N: The same everyday, he comes home late, acts cold to me.
Jisoo: Oh you poor baby. I have an idea
Y/N: O-h, what is it?
Jisoo: Ignoring prank
Y/N: Oh, I don't know
Jisoo: Come on, this will test it he really loves and cares for you
Y/N: I'll think about it unnie, well gotta go. Bye~
Jisoo: Bye ~
After the call, I went upstairs to take a shower.

Ignoring My Cold Husband Yoongi FFWhere stories live. Discover now