Jeon Jungkook

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Jeon Jungkook

Jeon Jungkook

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Jeon jungkook, the one and only son of Jeon kaihyung and Jenni kaihyung

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Jeon jungkook, the one and only son of Jeon kaihyung and Jenni kaihyung. 19 years old handsome and hot boy on the campus. his memory ability is shocking but his grade....ohh No! all girls want to become his girlfriend but their bad luck he is not interested in that kind of thing, he likes to boss around others.

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Jeon kaihyung

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Jeon kaihyung

Jeon kaihyung is the most successful international businessman

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Jeon kaihyung is the most successful international businessman. Jeon group international corporation company. One of the richest companies in the world. Married to South Korean singer and rapper Jennie kaihyung. Love's his wife and son more than anything but a very strict parent wants his son to be a perfect person. Not a brat. So Jungkook is only scared of his father.

Jennie kaihyung

Wife of jeon kaihyung and mother of Jeon Jungkook

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Wife of jeon kaihyung and mother of Jeon Jungkook. Supportive wife. South Korean singer and rapper. Love her son a lot. Always support her son in doing the things that bring him happiness No matter what. His happiness is her everything.

( Her Surname is Jeon But she has put her husband's name along with her name)

Jungkook's Crime partners👊

Kim namjoon

Jungkook's best friend Kim namjoon

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Jungkook's best friend Kim namjoon.
19 years old. Jeon Jungkook's right hand in crimes. He is known as the God of Destruction because of his power to practically break ANYTHING...

Min yoongi

Jungkook's best friend min yoongi is 19 years old

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Jungkook's best friend min yoongi is 19 years old. He loves to sleep. Very helpful especially for Jungkook. Never disturb his sleep if you do that you will regret it.

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