C H A P T E R - T E N

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I look up at the huge cabin looking mansion as I got out of the car, taking my tank out. This morning Tobias texted me the address. Is this his house? I thought. 

I heard clink noise coming from the garage, on the side of the house. I make my way towards the garage finding Tobias underneath his pick up truck. 

I gently hit his leg. He jumped a little and heard him cursed underneath and said 'Ow.' 

"That sounded like that hurts." I said. He wheeled himself out and he stood up. I laughed when I saw his face. His face was covered in oil. Not all of his face just some of it. 

"Because it did." He said and sighs as I wipe some of the oil from his face on a towel. 

"Yeah well not my fault that you're so jumpy." I said and put my hand down and looked into his  eyes. "So what are we doing today?" I asked. Tobias walked away with the towel and wiped his face and hands. 

"Well I wasn't expecting you until noon, and my family is out of town for a whole week to see Becca's college, so we have the whole house to ourselves. Let me go take a quick shower and then I'll show you around the house." He said as he opened the garage door that goes to the house.

I followed. Everything looks warm and open. We headed upstairs to his room. I'm not surprised to see that his room is huge. People like him always get this type of room. There are these cylinder type of stairs that leads to upstairs still in his room. 

He has a California kind size bed in a corner, a desk, all of his medals, pictures of him and the gang when they were little until now. I sat on the desk chair as he went to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. 

I walked around his room only looking no touching. He has all 3 homecoming king crowns and 1 prom king crown, more medals from snowboarding, notebooks, some books, old robot toy, and other guy stuff. I sat down at the desk chair, going on my phone. 

It took 10 minutes until the door open and he came out with a sweatshirt and jogging pants. He was still drying his wet hair. Not gonna lie he looks sexy. But I keep that to myself. 

"Alright so this is one of my favorite place out of the whole entire house itself." He said and he threw the towel to the hamper. He walked toward me grabbing my tank. 

"Follow me woman." I playfully rolled my eyes and followed him up to the cylinder stairs. 

Out of breath, I leaned against the wall, and Tobias put's down the tank. 

"You okay?" He asks gently. I gave him a small nod. I looked at the bookshelves that are against the wall that are all full of books. 

"Holy shit." I said. He grabbed my hand and bought me to the middle that has Bing bags and a small sofa chair. 

"This is my happy place." He said and let's go of my hand. I wish he didn't let go. 

"It would be mine too." I said quietly and went toward one of the bookshelves. Harry Potter series, Divergent series, Maze Runner etc.

"And your friends know about this room?" I asked as I pulled out a book. 

"They know I have a room up here but none of them knows that I like to read. Larri however thinks it's a sex room." I rolled my eyes. 

"Of course." I say. "Turns out it's a little library." I add. I started wheezing a little bit out of know where. Shit what time is it? 

"That doesn't sound good." I hear Tobias said as I check the time on my apple watch. I need to take my pills. I take off my bag and took out 2 bottle of pills. "Sorry." I mumbled and quickly took them.

"There is nothing to be sorry for." He says. I push up my glasses and couldn't stop blushing. 

"Come on I want to show you something else." He said and picked up my tank. I took a deep breath and let it out. I followed him downstairs the room, wheezing a little bit more. 

"I...I n-need to sit-tt down for a minute." I said. and sat at the edge of his bed. He gave me a few minutes to breath again before we walked out of his room and to another room. He immediately put his hands over my eyes.

"That was so unnecessary." I pouted. "It's suppose to be a surprise." He said. "Just keep walking. I'll guide you." I hear him say. I kept walking foreword, he told me to over step something, and I did. Then we stopped. 

"Okay I'm going to uncover my eyes now. What ever you do not open your eyes." I sighed and nodded as he removed his hands. "Okay you can open them in 3,2,1." I slowly open my eyes. 

I stood in the middle of the room made out glass. You could see the outside, full of trees and and mountains. I touched the cold glass. 

"I am officially moving here." I said. I heard him chuckled. I turned around. 

"Your house is beautiful seriously. I'm jealous." I said. I looked back at the scenery. 

"It's alright, I mean I did grow up here so...." I rolled my eyes playfully and looked at the woods. 

"We should head back downstairs." He said. I touch the cold glass one more time.




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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2020 ⏰

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