▴Vibrations and Meditating▴

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I have vibrations and meditating in the same chapter because I just kind of feel like they are tied together. 

What are Vibrations?

Vibrations are like "your vibe" I guess, if you have high vibrations, then you're probably happy, people want to talk to you because you give off good vibes, if your vibrations are low than your probably not feeling super happy, you don't give off good vibes, etc.

There is music and foods that can raise your vibrations

Your vibrations will have an effect on your shifting, it's best if you have high vibrations and are in a good headspace

Overall having high vibrations isn't just good for shifting but you just feel better and you're more positive

●You can raise vibrations by lighting candles, crystals (rose quartz is very good), being around nature, clearing clutter, and listening to music

●I suggest you shower or take a bath before shifting you you feel fresh :)

There are also foods that can help raise your vibrations here are some:



Fresh Fruits

Fresh Spices


Olive Oil

Fresh Herbs

Raw Honey

Drink tons of water; it helps raise vibrations and the more hydrated you are the easier it will be to shift (Complimenting your water/saying positive affirmations into it can also help you shift)

Meditation for Shifting:

●Meditating raises your vibrations

●Meditating helps you clear your mind and focus on just your DR

●Meditating makes you more relaxed and can help you forget about things that may be stressing you out (stress can block you from shifting, believe me I know)

This is a little off topic of meditation and vibrations but NEVER walk through mirrors, there is always something bad when you walk through mirrors, ok thanks :)

I am going to add some videos I use to raise my vibrations (I typically listen to them for about an hour during the day but they also work very well to listen to while you sleep) and some meditation videos I use to help me get my mind focused on my DR.


Raising vibrations: This will raise your vibrations instantly with binaural beats by Ostis

Raising vibrations (8 hours long, for sleeping): Raise your vibration, Manifest Miracles by Jason Stephenson

Guided Meditation:  Ten minute guided meditation by Great Meditation

Guided shifting meditation: Aletheia's Desired Reality Guided Meditation by Forgotten sub user (yes that's their channel name, but their meditation works very well)

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