Chapter 8

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Whoever is giving me votes is a really cool person!!

Anyways, just thanks for all the reads and such :)

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Kat's POV

Ok. So I'm in love with Niall. Cool.

NO. Not cool! I broke his heart. He liked me... LOVED me and I thought I didn't love him back. How could I be so stupid??

"Um.. You ok? You've been staring at me for the last five minutes." He said awkwardly.

"I just need to talk to Louis..." I choked out.

"Um...?" He sounded so confused while I was running down the hall to Louis's room.

Louis's POV

I was watching television when Kat bursted in.

"Hey, can we talk??" She sounded nervous.

"Oh, yeah."

"Well, I think I really like somebody. But I don't know if they like me back. Not anymore, anyways." She said shyly.

"Who is it???! I want to know!" I think I already know who it was though.

"NONE OF YOUR BEESWAX!" She laughed. "But anyways, I'm just confused I guess."

"May I happen to know this 'somebody'?" I played along.

"Maybe?" It was more of like a question to me. "But, Jade really likes this 'somebody' too and I don't know if he likes her back."

"Niall does NOT like Jade!" I laughed.

"Who said it was Niall??" She said so innocently. Oooohhh Kat.

"Who said it wasn't?" I shot back.

"Ok, fine." She muttered. "I'm in love with Niall."

"YAY!!!!" I jumped up and screamed. Kat looked at me like I just walked out of a circus or something.

"Geez, why are you so excited?"

"Because Niall's in love with YOU, too silly!!" I screamed.

"You don't know that. Not anymore." She sighed.

"Yes I do" I smiled.

"No, you don't!" She was sounding annoyed.

"Ok, maybe I don't exactly know. But there's a pretty good chance." I winked.

"Whatever." She muttered. And with that she left the room. I don't know WHAT side of the bed SHE woke up on this morning!!!

Kat's POV

I needed to talk to Danielle. She was my best friend that's a girl. I mean, I thought Jade was. But obviously not. And Danielle and I are closer than Eleanor and I.

After I left Louis's room, I went straight to Liam's. Their house is soooooo stinking big!!!!

"Do you know where Danielle is?" I might of said a little too demanding.

"Oh yeah. She lives a couple blocks down." Liam smiled. " I can call and ask her to come down here. I wouldn't mind seeing her either."

"That'd be amazing!" I ran over and hugged Liam. But it was kind of sad how he said that. Danielle and Liam are still really good friends. I really don't know why they broke up... We thought they were going to be together forever. I know that Liam really missed spending time with her. Liam was a really great guy and he deserves a girlfriend.

As I walked out of the room I said, " I think Danielle still loves you, Liam."

"I still love her." He smiled.

I walked out of the room toward the living room and sat down with Niall. Ok, maybe I tried to make it a little too casual....

"What's up, Nialler?" I smiled.

"Nothing really.... Are you ok?"

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." That seemed to convince him. At that moment Danielle walked in the room. "DAAANNNNYYY!!" I screamed across the room and ran to hug her. I really didn't care who heard me.

"KAT!!" She mocked back. "I missed you, too."

"Well, do you want to go shopping??"

"Of course!!"

As we walked out and got into the car, I really did need to ask her something.

"How did Liam ask you out?" I asked pretty suddenly.

"He just asked, and when he asked I realize that I liked him,too." She smiled. AWWW!

I smiled at the thought. They were so cute together :). My smile quickly faded. "SoIlikeNiall..." I said at the speed of light.

"What was that???" The cheekiness in her voice hinted that she had her me. Oh Danny...


"Much better." She smiled. "So what's the problem with that?" I forgot that she had no idea what all had just happened in the past couple of days.

"Eleanor found out that Niall liked me. She told me and I said, "I've always thought about Niall as my best friend... Nothing more." And he over heard. Then he got really upset. But the next day it was all ok, and I've realized I like him back..."

"Ok, ok, slow down. Why don't you just tell Niall?"

"Because he might like Jade." I sighed.

"Who's Jade?" I made her so confused... At this point we had gotten out of the car and we were in the mall.

"Jade is my friend from back home. She flew out to see me, and I had no idea how big of a, um, directioner she was. She obsesses over Niall like all the time and flirts with him and.... It's just soooo annoying!!" I really hadn't realized how mad I had gotten. Or loud.

"Trust me, Kat. Niall says he's waiting for his princess and I think that's you. Not Jade. Not anybody else. Just you." She made me believe her.

"Really?" I really didn't want to mess this up.

"I know it." She smiled.

After we had shopped and stuff, we got in the car and went home. I had bought an amazing pair of jeans!!

But as we walked in the house, nothing would prepare me for what would happen next.

Niall's POV

I don't know where exactly Kat went after talking to Louis. She sounded really confused about something. I don't know what, though....

I started playing around on my phone. I had nothing else better to do. Right then Jade walked in. Oh gosh....

"Hey Niall!" She chimed as she walked in.

"Hey Jade." I plastered the fakest smile ever on my face.

"What's up?" Her flirting was so obvious! But I didn't like her, I liked Kat. Yeah, I know I sound desperate because she doesn't like me. But that doesn't mean I'll stop liking her.

"Nothing really..." Then she kissed me. Seriously? I was about to forcefully push her away. But you'll never guess who was standing at the door with Danielle.

I pushed her away when I saw them. Then I could have swore that I heard Kat mutter something like, "I was never his princess, Danny." She dropped her bag and stared at me. Then she ran crying to her room. It broke my heart. But I'm pretty sure I just broke hers even worse.

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Anyways have you guys heard Swagger Jagger by Cher Lloyd? BEST. SONG. EVER.

By the way, I think I'm going to start writing another story. Probably fan fiction. I don't know which boy I should do, though. Any suggestions??

And P.S. If no one else tells you this, you are beautiful. God put you in this world because he knew it wouldn't be complete without you :)

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