Chapter Two

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     Once I was in the neighborhood, I texted her that I was there and searched for the right house number. I found it and saw her standing outside. I parked in her driveway next to another car. She came up next to my car wearing shorts about as short as mine and a long sleeved shirt, her smile radiant. As soon as I was outside next to her, I smiled just as widely and said "Hey, stranger."

     She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me into a big bear hug. I put my arms around her waist, a little surprised, but happy nonetheless. Her body felt good against mine, like we fit together almost. I took in her scent, it was a mixture of strawberries and vanilla. It was so intoxicating, I almost didn't realize she'd let go. It felt like withdrawal, I tried not to let it show.

     "Thank you for coming! I honestly didn't expect you to, but I'm really happy you did. Follow me." She grabbed my hand and tugged me toward her door. I was so distracted by her that I almost forgot to lock my car, but I clicked the button just before we entered the house.

     She opened up a single mahogany door with a crystal window to reveal an open hallway with a staircase at the end and two entrances on either side just before the stairs. A chandelier hung right in front of the entrance above our heads and lit up the whole hallway including some of the upstairs. Pictures lined the walls and I caught glimpses of Chloe with what looked to be her mother and a younger sibling. Perhaps a sister? Where was her dad? If she had one. I had to remember not to bring that up.

     She was still holding my hand when she called out, "Mom? Alex is here. That girl I told you about. We'll be upstairs watching a movie!"

     I heard another voice, much older sounding than Chloe's, call back, "Okay sweetie! Have fun!" Her mom knows about me? What?

     I looked at her as she seemed satisfied and began trudging up the stairs. My face twisted in confusion as I asked her, "Shouldn't I meet your mother?"

     She looked back at me and stopped, contemplating, "You can if you want to but we only have so much time, right? You could just meet her next time." Seems like she's decided, she's already halfway upstairs.

     At the top, I noticed a hallway to the right with two closed doors, but that wasn't the way we were going. There was another door right at the top which seemed to be a bathroom since it was open and I saw a toilet. Chloe took me to the left where there were three doors, all closed. Her room was apparently at the very end of the hallway to the right. She opened it up and I took everything in that I could. It was sort of a rectangular-shaped room. She had a queen sized bed with all turquoise bedding, including sheets and pillow cases. Her frame was wooden and had a headboard. The bed was on the left side of the room and was in the very bottom left corner facing a decently-sized TV that sat on a white dresser and that was in the top left corner. There was a circular rainbow rug next to her bed in front of the door and on the right side of her room was a closet, a bookshelf, and band posters lining each wall. It seemed like anywhere there was space there was a poster for a band or a movie. I also saw a lot of really good drawings and I wondered if she was an artist. Her window was next to the dresser, in the middle of the room and it had long pink curtains. She had a light on the ceiling that she turned on with a switch by the door once we'd entered.

     "Well... this is me. I hope you like it." She stared at me intently, waiting for some sort of response or reaction to her room. It must've matched a lot of her personality, I know my room did.

     "Chloe, your room is awesome. I really love it. Do you listen to all these bands? Did you draw these?" I was pointing at the walls, gesturing to it all. I got her to smile and come closer to me, so I must've come up with the right answer.

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