Chapter Thirteen

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     We woke up the next morning naked and tangled in each other's arms with her blanket on top of us. She had her head on my chest and her arms wrapped around my waist. I had my arms wrapped around her, our legs intertwined. She stirred on top of me and I woke peacefully, kissing the top of her head and squeezing her in a soft hug. She woke up too and kissed me. It was like she reignited the fire from last night. I remembered everything we did and wanted to do again. She seemed like she did too because she moved on top of me.

     "Woah, ready to go again already?" I asked in between passionate kisses.

     "I told you before that once we started this I wouldn't be able to get enough," She looked down at me and bit her lip.

     "I'm definitely down for another round," I flirted.

     "Good. Stay there," She ordered and then moved down my body.

     She rocked my world once again. I caught my breath and rocked hers in return. We tired ourselves out and got into the shower together. Chloe and I got up and got ready just in time for our classes. Today was the last day of our first online week. I didn't have Warren Tech and both of our classes were shortened on Fridays.

     Chloe suggested that we go on a picnic today since it was a perfect day out for it. I agreed and we made some sandwiches in her kitchen after classes ended. I flung mayonnaise at her off of my knife as I made my sandwich and it landed on her cheek. She looked at me with a shocked expression. I laughed at her and brought her closer to me.

     "I'm sorry," I laughed even harder and attempted to lick the mayo off of her cheek. It fell off of my tongue and landed on the floor. I almost fell over because I stepped on it and slipped, but Chloe caught me.

     "Looks like I've swept you off your feet," She smirked at me.

     "You really have. There's no one but you, Chloe," I told her seriously after I stopped laughing.

     "I'm all yours and I'm hoping you're all mine," She promised.

     "Forever, baby. I don't want anyone but you for as long as I live," I promised back.

     "Alex, good because someday, I'm going to ask you to marry me and your answer better be yes," She said.

     "My answer will always be yes. All I have for you are yeses. Especially to the best future I can imagine," I admitted.

     "Me too, my love."

     "What do you want our wedding to look like?"

     "Well, I'm gonna buy you an engraved ring, it will say 'Forever, My Love' on it. I want to have it by the beach somewhere, and I want roses and a big cake, wedding white on the outside and rainbow on the inside. Oh! We could have those little tiny people that look like us on top of the cake! I want to wear a dress, but you don't have to if you don't want to. I know you'll probably wear a tux. When we do this we should probably find a wedding planner, but we can worry about the details later," She described.

     "That sounds perfect so far. You'd never catch me in a dress, though, sorry," I smiled at her.

     "No worries, you'll look hot either way," She kissed me while she pulled me close.

     "Thanks. I know you'll look gorgeous in a wedding dress. I can just picture it now," I said flirtatiously, looking her up and down.

     "You look hungry," She smirked, then said, "Let's go. We have a picnic to attend to."

     "You tease," I pouted, then stopped her as she pulled away, "You know, this is kinda nice."

     "What is?" She gave me a questioning look.

     "Talking about our future. I want to do it more often. It makes me think it will actually happen someday," I sadly smiled.

     "It will happen. We'll both go to school for our dream jobs and if we get separated then we'll just do distance or make the trip to see one another. I'm not losing you that easily. Then, once we're out, you'll be a lawyer and I'll be a photographer and we can move to Paris, you could switch your law license so you can work there. I can produce the most beautiful pictures in Europe and you can be the best lawyer. You could perfect your French and even teach me. We can adopt children or get a doner, I don't mind carrying a baby. I know you want kids and so do I. It will be perfect. We can grow old together while we raise our children in Paris. How does that sound?" She described vividly.

     I started crying. It was a dream come true and she just voiced it all. I looked deep into her eyes as tears streamed down my face, "Sometimes I feel like you're a dream. Like I imagined you and you were never really there. I think I'm going crazy, but you're actually right in front of me and you're everything I've ever wanted. I could never ask for anyone more perfect because I have you. I love you so much it hurts."

     "I promise you're not dreaming. I am real and I love you too. So much more than you'll ever know, honestly," She hugged me tightly, then wiped my tears and gave me a kiss.

     "Our picnic is waiting," I said.

     She smiled and I followed her as she took our bag full of food and blankets out to her truck.

     We got into her truck and drove to a nearby park. She took her blankets and our bag of food out of the backseat and trudged out to a spot she liked under a tree.

     I helped her lay out a couple of blankets and get the food out. We both sat down across from each other. Chloe was wearing a skirt today, so she sat sideways to keep herself covered. I was wearing jeans, like always, so I sat with my legs crossed. We were facing each other and as she passed me my food and what remained of the summer breeze blew passed Chloe and I, a warm feeling engulfed me. I saw Chloe's hair blowing in the wind, the small amount of makeup she put on her perfect face, and the glimmer of her ocean blue eyes meeting mine and I thought to myself how truly lucky I was. She was everything. I had everything I could ever want and I was on track to be who I wanted to be. Now I could do it, with her by my side through it all.

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