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"Mom! Mom, wake up!" I didn't have to open my eyes to recognize my son's voice. I was asleep in my bedroom of my house lying next to my wife.

"What is it Sammie?" I groggily asked our 5-year-old as he jumped on our bed.

"We're going to the Museum today! Remember??" Sam said.

"Of course mommy remembered, we're not going until later, though," I rolled over to snake an arm around Chloe.

"Mmm," She stirred and turned around to face me.

"Chloe, baby, wake up. Our son wants to go to the Louvre. Like right now," I whispered.

"Now?" She asked grumpily, then asked, "What time is it?"

"I don't know," I rolled over to look at our alarm clock, then adjusted my answer, "It's 10:00. We really slept in for a Saturday."

"Mm, we did. It was so nice too," She breathed out and then snuggled closer to me. Sam jumped and then landed in between us, managing to kick me in the stomach.

"Oww!" I cried.

"Sorry mommy. I'm sorry," He tried to sooth my pain by rubbing my stomach where he hit me.

"It's okay, Sammie," I told him and then brought him in between Chloe and I for a big hug.

"Come on baby, we did promise to take him to the Louvre today," I tried to convince my wife to get out of bed, though I didn't really want to get up myself. My baby boy wanted to see French culture, though. How could I deprive him of that?

"Fine! Meet me in the shower. Have Sammie watch cartoons while he waits and then we'll get Cece up and give them both a bath," She said, then got up after giving Sam a kiss on the forehead. She headed straight for our bathroom, already beginning to strip her shirt.

I got up quickly. I grabbed the baby monitor from the bedside table so I could listen in on Cece, and our 2-year-old. Then, I rushed Sam into our living room, turned on his favorite show, SpongeBob, and hurried back into the bathroom that held my naked wife. I stripped and joined her in the nice hot shower.

"There you are, my love. How's my beautiful lawyer wife doing?" She smirked as she brought me close and gave me a morning kiss.

"I'm great now, how's my gorgeous photographer wife?" I asked, also smirking and returning her kiss.

"I'm fantastic. I couldn't have a better life," She smiled.

"Me either," I told her and kissed her softly.

"What did you put on for Sammie? SpongeBob?" She asked.

"Yeah," I confirmed.

"He can't rip his little eyes away from that show. We'll be lucky if he still wants to go to the Louvre today," She rolled her eyes.

We were out in about ten minutes and sure enough, Sam was still in the same spot I set him in, eyes glued to the TV. It was live TV, though, so the cartoon was in French. He loved it regardless, as he should.

"Sammie, honey, it's bath time," I told him. He didn't say a word, it was like he didn't even hear me.

"Sam? Come on I thought you wanted to see the Louvre today?" I asked.

"Oh! The Museum? Yes! Yes mommy I want to go!" He got up and yelled excitedly.

"Okay, bath time then," I said as I shut the TV off and picked Sam up. I carried him to the other bathroom in our house that had a tub while Chloe got Cece up out of bed. We washed our little boy and girl and got them dressed and ready for the Museum.

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