Chapter Nine

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I could feel my face burning. My eyes wouldn't open at first, but then I could slightly open them. It hurt so I kept them closed. I heard a consistent beeping sound next to me and someone talking.

"Alex, please wake up, please just wake up," It sounded like Chloe, crying and desperate. I decided this was worth opening my eyes for. I blinked under the lights. "Oh my god you're awake, you're awake, you're awake!" As blurry as she was, I could make out her smile through the tears. "Doctor?! Nurse?! She's awake! Anybody?! Where's the call button?" My eyes hurt too much, I closed them again. "I was so scared! I need to apologize. I'm so sorry about everything I said. I was in my head and I wasn't thinking clearly. So many people have left me for others or because I'm damaged goods. I thought in that moment that you'd do the same thing, so I decided to leave you first. I didn't want you to have a chance to break my heart. I'm such an idiot. You're everything I've ever wanted and you chose me over your ex. Why couldn't I see that? Please forgive me. Please don't leave," She started sobbing.

I tried to move my hand, hers was on top of mine. I wanted to give her a sign that I was here and I wasn't going anywhere.

She stopped crying a little bit and gasped. I tried to speak, but it was hard, "C-Chloe. I'm... right here. I won't... I won't leave you. I promise," I choked out over her saying, "Hey, shhhh, it's alright baby you need to rest."

I heard another voice I didn't recognize and then my moms. They were talking about me and asking Chloe questions. I heard all the voices getting closer. I still couldn't see very well and I didn't know why. Maybe I didn't have my glasses on? No, it still wouldn't hurt this bad if that were the case.

"Hi, Alex. My name is Doctor Brown. We're all so glad you're awake. Your family is here for you and we did all we could for your nose and lip," He said.

"What... happened?" I asked hoarsely.

"You had a panic attack and you passed out. When you fell, you slammed your face into the wall, which broke said wall. The impact broke your nose and cut your lip open. The debris from the wall breaking also got into your eyes a little bit, so they may hurt to open, but we got all of it out. You'll just need to take some eye drops for a while to clear your eyes up. Your nose will heal over the course of three weeks as long as you wear the splint. As for your lip, we put stitches in it and they'll dissolve on their own in a week," Dr. Brown explained to me.

"Oh," I said. At least I could still see...

"Since you're awake, we don't need to keep you here anymore. You can go home in a couple hours after your parents finish the discharge papers. Call me with the button if you need anything in the meantime. Myself or a nurse will attend to your needs. Feel better soon, Alex, and I'll see you in three weeks," The doctor concluded, then left the room.

I opened my eyes again to watch him leave and look at my family and Chloe. My mom, dad, and brother were all here. I tried to smile at them but it hurt and I didn't want to push my lips anymore and have the wound split open again.

"Hi guys. I'm so happy..." I coughed, really needing some water, "I'm so happy you're all here."

"Do you need anything?" Chloe asked.

"Some... Some water would be great," I replied.

"I'll go get you some," Chloe stated, then quickly exited the room.

"Honey, how are you feeling?" My mom asked as she came to my side where Chloe had been.

"I'm alright mom. I'm tough," I told her.

"I'm so glad," My mom smiled with tears in her eyes and kissed my right hand, which had an IV in it. My other hand was strapped to the heart monitor. Chloe came back with a cup of water and my mom moved out of her way so she could give it to me.

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