Chapter Four

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We watched both of the Frozen movies before we started to get sleepy. As soon as Chloe was about to start Tangled, I fell asleep. I think she passed out a little bit after that because I woke up to the end of the movie and her sleeping on my chest. At that point I just turned the TV off and snuggled closer to her while drifting back off.

That morning, Chloe woke up before me and I faintly remember her planting a kiss on my lips, whispering "Good morning" to me, and then gently leaving the bed, careful not to wake me up. She failed, but I refused to get up yet and I wanted her to come back.

"Babyyy, where did you go? Come back and snuggle with me." I whined while I pouted in the direction she took off in. I nuzzled closer to her pillow since she wasn't there and I tried to sleep again.

"I need to brush my teeth! I have really bad morning breath." She called from the bathroom.

That made me get up. I found the bathroom she was in just adjacent from her bedroom and I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind, kissing her cheek and resting my head in the crook of her neck. "There you are." I breathed her in and closed my eyes.

"Well hello there. What a nice surprise." She leaned into me while she began to brush her teeth.

"What time is it?" I asked her, not remembering where I left my phone and not caring enough to search for it.

She took the toothbrush out of her mouth and spit into the sink so she could answer me, "It's like 8:00 in the morning I think? Do you want to brush your teeth too?"

"Why did you get up so early? And why? Do I smell?"

"Because we have a lot of plans together today and I didn't want to waste my time with you just sleeping in. And no, I just wanted to know if you wanted to. You didn't bring a toothbrush, did you?"

"Okay babe, that makes sense. I'd be happy to spend all my time with you even if we didn't sleep for more than eight hours. Also I did bring one, hold on, I'll be right back." I kissed her forehead softly and then left to find wherever I put my stuff.

"It's okay. Do you want to shower?" She shouted in my direction.

"Are you suggesting something?" I flirted as I came back into the bathroom with my toothbrush and a change of clothes, my cutest outfit in fact.

"N-no. I just meant do you want to take one by yourself? I wasn't going to take one because I took one yesterday and I normally only shower every other day." She was blushing and avoiding my eyes.

I slowly lifted her chin with my hand so she'd look at me, "Hey, I was only teasing. I can take one by myself, I'm a big girl. If you're okay with me using your stuff, I just hate not being clean."

"What's mine is yours now baby," she leaned in and kissed me, then left the bathroom, "Enjoy your shower!"

I closed the door behind her and started the shower. I stripped my clothes off and set my clean ones on the counter so I could change when I was done. She had a few towels on shelves and I decided I'd use the big blue one. I checked the temperature of the water before going in. She had a variety of soaps and shaving stuff. She also had a blue scrubby and all of her soaps were intoxicating. I realized that I would smell like her and I blushed.

I didn't take very long, but just as I was about to be done, I heard a knock. I stuck my head behind the curtain and shouted, "Hello?"

"Are you done yet?" I faintly heard on the other side, then she said something else I didn't hear.

"Chloe I can't hear you, open the door!"

She must've heard me because she opened it just enough to poke her head in. I made sure to cover my body with the curtain and only make my head visible.

"Sorry, I just wanted to let you know that my mom made breakfast and I want to eat with you so hurry up." She said with a blush on her face.

"I'm done anyway." I told her as I shut the water off. And opened the curtain all the way while she was still poking her head in.

"ALEX!" She screeched and moved to cover her eyes. I stepped out and wrapped a towel around my body.

"What's the matter? I wasn't going to wait for you to close the door again." I smirked at her as I went closer towards the door.

"You can't do that to me." She pouted.

"I'm sorry. It won't happen again, although it was fun." I kissed her lips through the crack in the door, long and lingering.

"You're killing me." She stated as a furious blush invaded her cheeks.

"Well I am a tease. And a flirt, but only when it comes to you." I told her with a smirk on my lips again.

"Just get dressed already," she groaned as she shut the door again.

Chloe's mom ate breakfast with us. She was in a very chipper mood and she asked if I liked the surprise Chloe had planned for me last night.

"Are you kidding me? I loved it. I can't believe she did all that by herself." I said as I took a drink of my milk. We were eating blueberry pancakes and I always loved to put peanut butter on mine, so having milk with my breakfast was crucial.

Chloe's mom laughed and responded with, "By herself? Oh god no. She had a lot of help from me. I stapled all the blankets to the walls, she just told me how she wanted it to look."

"Mom!" Chloe interjected, flushing bright red, then added "She wasn't supposed to know that." Chloe was pouting at her mom and it was really cute. I giggled at her and she turned towards me and hit me on the arm.

"Ow!" I screamed out and clutched at my arm, even though she didn't even hit me that hard.

"Don't laugh at me." She warned and gave me the same pouty look she gave her mom, only when she looked at me she had more flirtation in her eyes.

"Sorry, I was only thinking about how cute you are when you're pouting." She blushed deeply at my comment and turned away from me to look at her mom.

"Will both of you stop ganging up on me?!" She got up from the table to put her plate in the sink and wash it since she was finished already. It also gave her something to do other than be teased by her mother and I.

I got up to follow her after giving her mom a goofy smile. Chloe was still washing her dish, so I snuck up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed her neck tenderly.

"I'm sorry, baby," I whispered softly into her ear.

She turned around after setting her plate into the sink and hugged me around the shoulders tightly. "It's okay," she whispered back and kissed my neck in return.

"For the record, hun, I'm sorry too. We were only playing." Chloe's mom stated as she got up to wash her dish as well. She moved past us to the sink and scrubbed her dish, not even mentioning our affection towards each other. I guess she had no problem with it, which was awesome.

"You girls go run along, I know you have plans, so I'll take care of the rest of the dishes." Chloe's mom smiled at us.

"Mom you don't have to-" Chloe started but Ms. Stephens stopped her.

"Nonsense, now go. I got it." I swear she winked at me, but maybe I was just seeing things.

"Okay. I love you." She let go of me to kiss her mom on the cheek, and then swiftly grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the front door.

"Have fun!" Ms. Stephens called to us before the door closed behind us.

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