Chapter 39 - Escort

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----- Toni's PoV-----

                      { Warning - This chapter contains an intense Lesbian sex scene. }
                 { Don't read if it offends you.... blah, blah, blah.... You get the drill....}
                                  { There will be more but this is the last warning. }
                               { If you've made it this far, I think you can handle it }
                                               { If not.... Why are you still reading? }

"Sorry about that, I just needed some air.  So, are we on for dinner?" I ask as we come back to the living room area, catching Catrin saying something disparaging to Sean about Samantha, but I just pretend I didn't.

"Oh, I don't think so.  We do have standards to maintain, we can't possibly dine just anywhere." Catrin replies as expected.
"That's such a shame." I say looking disappointed, deliberately.
"I guess Samantha was right, she said you wouldn't be willing to try something new, but I was so sure she was wrong.  I guess I just over-estimated you.  I honestly thought you would be open-minded enough to try it." I say, laying it on just thick enough, but not so thick as to be obvious.

Samantha gets the hint and looks triumphant, "See, I told you.  She is too set in her ways." she says.
Sean, looks at me, then at Samantha, then back at me with a puzzled look on his face.
I can almost hear the gears turning over in his head, working things out.
She is right, he is good.
He knows there is some game a-foot, he just doesn't know what game, or what the rules are.
I'm pretty sure it won't take him long to figure it out, not if he's even half as smart as Samantha.

"Oh, Samantha.  Really?  Since when have I been afraid to try something new?  I suppose YOU have been there?" Caitrin says almost looking down her nose at her daughter.
Which is a feat in itself considering we are still standing, so she is looking down her nose.... upwards?
That takes skill, I gotta give her that.

"Of course.  The food is simply amazing, and the atmosphere is so authentic, it brought back childhood memories of when we were in Italy.  We were there just last night, but you would not like it.  It is lovely, and the food is divine, but as I said, it is not up to YOUR un-attainable standards.  But then, nothing is really.  You could find something to complain about in a five star resort.  You would probably have a screaming fit before ever setting foot in the place." Samantha replies.

"Oh, we will see about that.  We will see.  Where is this place Antonia?" She asks, clearly dismissing her daughter and turning back to me.
Sean's face turns from confusion, to astonishment, to realisation, to humour, all in a matter of seconds.
He knows his wife just got played.
He looks at me with a very satisfied and appreciative nod of his head, and a grin from ear to ear.

"Are you really coming?  Oh that's wonderful!  See Samantha, I told you she could do it.  It's just up in Paddington, only about 10-15 minutes from here.  I'll give you the address.  But it's a bit early now, we don't open for a lunch service, only dinner.  For proper Italian food it takes all day to prepare.  I can call my father and book us a table for tonight, or better yet, how about joining us for the family meal after closing.  That will be more private and VERY exclusive, and I will even introduce you to the chef.  I will text you the address and time, unless you would like to ride along with us?" I ask, pretty sure that will be pushing things TOO far.

"T'ank you all the same lass, but we have a town car downstairs, and we'll need t' fenangle the minders we will.  We should probably be gettin' off t' the hotel fer now an' gettin' settled.  I'ma Fellin' a might jetlagged t' be honest wit'cha.  Tis still the wee small hours where we just come from, so a nap is fittin' right about now." Sean steps in.

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