Chapter 56 - Memorial

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----- Samantha's PoV-----

Knowing that Pappa has made the unprecedented move of officially closing Nonna's to the public for the Memorial tonight, I am shocked to see how busy it is.

There appear to be MORE people here tonight than even the busiest night I have seen before.
"Wow." is all I manage to say, choking up at the turn out for my Father.
"I know right?" Antonia replies with a sad sort of a smile and takes my hand giving it a squeeze, before returning it to the gear shift to change down as we slow for the driveway.
Not as slow as I would like mind you.

Out front are of course the regular pair of Harley Davidsons.
 Ricky's big thumper of a beast and Angie's smaller one.
I know she cannot wait for another year to pass so she will no longer be restricted to the smaller bike.
It had been a shock the first day she pulled up on it and of course Mamma went into full Greek Mother mode wailing away about what a bad girl Angie was, and praying to anyone who would listen to make her be a good girl.

Angie's reasoning that she did not want to be dependent on a MAN to get around town did little to curb Mamma's displeasure, but the fact that Angie could now arrive within minutes of an urgent plea to fill-in has done a lot to ease Mamma's complaints.
Personally, I think it suits Angie, and from what I have seen, she is a far more responsible road user than Antonia is.
I expected Ricky to be here, being Angie's fiance and a full-time employee, but not the rest of the huge crowd.

The bump and jostle as we clip the corner of the curb surprisingly lightening my mood.
Antonia will ALWAYS be Antonia, no matter how many "Easy Babe's" I give her, and as annoying as it can be sometimes, it is a comfort to know that she will always be the same, just the way I love her.

Do not get me wrong, she HAS changed in a lot of ways, we both have.
Little changes to accommodate each other into our lives, but not in any way that really matters.
We are both still ourselves at our cores, but we are also US now, another entity that is a merging of us both, without taking away from our individuality.

Pulling into our regular parking spot out the back near the dumpsters, I see something that triggers a flash of déjà vu.
Parked exactly where it was eighteen months ago, is an official black sedan with government license plates.
The Agent type, or MIB as Antonia still insists on calling them, standing beside the car looks up as we pull in, but just nods and goes back to staring at the back door to the restaurant after assessing that we are no threat.

"Were you expecting THAT?" Antonia asks, nodding her head towards the Agent and his vehicle.
"No.  No I did not.  Mother did not mention it either so, I am guessing it is just as big a surprise to her as it is to us.  I hope she is coping.  Who is it, and why are they here?  Hasn't the Embassy cost us enough?"

"Take a breath Hon.  I'm sure it isn't anything sinister.  I doubt they are here to try to press you into service, but if they are, you can leave them to me.  You're MINE and they can't have you, period.  Just breathe.  Are you ready for this, or do you need a minute?"  she asks me, holding my hand and looking at me with a tinge of sympathy, but also the promise of her support.
Taking a deep breath, I hold it, then release it, then say "No, I'm good, I have you, I can handle this.  I can handle anything as long as you don't go anywhere." and I squeeze her hand for emphasis.

"Consider me glued." she says squeezing back.
We lean in for a brief kiss, then she promptly lets go of my hand to get out of the car.
"That is some pretty poor glue you have there." I joke as I climb out too.
"What was I supposed to do, climb through and get out your side with you?"  she laughs, making a show of taking my hand again as we regroup in front of the car.
"Yes as a matter of fact, you should have."  I tell her and follow up with another brief kiss.
As I do, over her shoulder I see the Agent do a double take, then pretend that he didn't see anything.

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