Chapter 28 - Drey

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                                                                   { Warning }
                              { extreme homophobic language and attitude }
               { and language disparaging to the intellectually challenged! }
                           { also discussion of sexual molestation of a minor }

----- Dario Allicia's PoV (Drey) -----

Now you're a fucking carpet muncher?

That explains so much.
Like why you always shut me down when I tried to be nice to you when we were growing up.
I would just kiss you and you would shove me away.
Or I would touch you, and you would pull away.
Or I would offer to let you touch me and you would call me gross.
Or the time you almost broke my arm just because I put my hand down your pants trying to make you feel good.
You didn't even want to suck my dick, I should have known then there was something wrong with you.

We all know who the gross one is now, don't we, you Dyke slut.
You and your Queer little brother, he probably caught it from you.

It's no wonder Freddy's a Fag, after you showed him up in front of everyone when he was just a kid.
But he still adores you, runs to you when anyone's mean to him, gets you to fight all his battles for him.
It probably happened when he got kicked in the balls.
It destroyed his manhood and left him Queer.
Then you go and cheat with your fancy kung-fu shit and cripple the guy, and suddenly your mother boasts to the whole family about how great you are and everyone loves you.
I could have handled him easy if I'd been there, he was no big deal.
But you think you're such hot shit.

Now you bring some whore into Nonna's, just to trick me into flirting with her, then make a fool out of me in front of my own brother and sister?
And everyone is acting like it's all wonderful and shit?
What the fuck is wrong with these people?

You all make a mockery of this place that Nonno and Nonna worked so hard to build.
This is a FAMILY place, not somewhere for you to flaunt your perverted Gay shit.
Next thing, fucking Freddy's going to be bringing some boyfriend here and everyone will oooh and aaah and say how fucking great it is.
He could probably bend him over a table and fuck him up the ass in front of you all, and you would clap and call him a good boy.
Pack of fuckin retards the lot of you.

Even that little slut Rosie is pregnant.
God knows who the father is coz it can't be Steve, he's probably as Gay as the rest of your fuck-tards.
He's always sucking up to her, doing anything she says so she won't leave him, he's no fucking MAN.

Marco too, always playing the lady's-man.
Probably just trying to hide what a Fag he is too.
He'd probably run screaming like a little girl if he ever saw a pussy up close.

I always wondered why you spent so much time with my sister instead of me, now we know, you were probably practising on her whenever she stayed over.
That's how you turned her against me.
Telling her how evil guys are, how disgusting dicks are, and teaching her to lick your hairy cunt, you filthy slut.
I've had enough of this shit, it's going to stop NOW!

----- Toni's PoV-----

Everyone wants to be the one to bring Mark up to speed, but with everyone talking at once, he can't understand a single word.
Until Dario, who has been silent until now shouts over all the other voices.

"Toni's a Dyke and that's her Lesbifriend."

Stunned Silence....................

As I start to slowly stand I feel hands grab me, Samantha on one side, Angie on the other, but they barely slow my movement, I just drag them up with me.
"Toni NO!" Mum shouts also standing, and then everyone is standing.
In the scuffle of chairs and voices starting to be raised again, I hear the distinct sound of an hit, then a heavy thud.
When everyone quietens down again, I scan of the room to see everyone standing, except Dario, who is nowhere to be seen.

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