~Chapter 3--Breathe, Gon~

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Gon was number 405.

Killua was 99.

The next phase of the hunter exam was starting, and Gon was shaking like a leaf. Killua had to go off the boat before him, considering his number was lower. Gon had accepted the fact that Killua had to go first, and his heart was pounding in his chest. This phase would be hard, people could die in this part of the exam.

That's what worried the two boys the most. If one of them ended up passing away, they would never see the other one again. "Unless heaven is real..." Gon mumbled to himself.

Finally, Gon was able to exit the boat. The air was eerie and cool while the sun was blazing down on top of the dew coated trees. Gon crossed his arms over his chest and tried not to pay attention to the other people who were staring at him, awaiting their chance that they could snatch his pin.

His only objective at this point was to find Killua.

Eyes glued to the path in front of him, he continued his journey. He thought about calling out Killua's name, but then realized that it would just attract more people to him if he did. So, he kept quiet, picking up his pace as he walked. He could sense someone behind him. Heck, he could sense many people surrounding him. His heart was pounding out of his chest as he approached a wide river.

Without hesitation, he pulled out his fishing rod and stood still, his eyes focused on a small bird floating on a log in front of him. I'm going to catch this bird. His eyes never looked away from the fuzzy brown bird. The fellow had its eyes glued on Gon, almost as if it knew what Gon was planning to do.

As soon as the bird took one step to the right, Gon whipped his rod towards it. It immediately took flight and flew away, escaping from the fishing pole as fast as it could. "Crap..." Gon mumbled. He adjusted the position of his feet and tried to catch another small bird.

This went on for several hours.

Whip. Miss. Repeat.

It was getting tiring. Gon's arms were aching from the repeated movement, but he didn't give up yet. His eyes were still stuck on the birds landing on the floating logs. Suddenly, it almost felt like a shadow was cast over his dark brown eyes. His vision was much clearer than before, and this gave him a boost of confidence.

He swung his rod at the bird and caught it. "I DID IT!!" He yelled, the shadow fading away from his eyes. "KILLUA I DID-" He turned around and stopped himself from saying any more. "Oh right, Killua isn't here..."

He picked up his rod and scrunched his face at the dead bird hanging on the other end of it. After digging a hole in the ground, he gently placed the dead bird there. Then, he covered it up with some left over dirt from the hole and patted it down, being careful not to cause any more harm to the bird inside, though it didn't matter anymore.

Gon took a few steps back from the small grave and collapsed under a tree. I'll rest here and find Killua tomorrow. He slowly closed his eyes, letting the darkness he could only view pull him into a calm snooze.

. . .

Gon slowly opened his eyes, stretching into a long yawn. He heard the birds above him, harmonizing the chirps of their beautiful songs. He just smiled at the sounds, it was peaceful. He sprung up and dusted off his pants. After checking to make sure he didn't have any ticks on his hair, clothing, or skin, he made his way to hunt down Hisoka, the target he was given to take their pin. He hadn't really thought about Hisoka too much, Killua was mainly the only person on his mind.

He walked quickly, but at a pace that made his footsteps almost inaudible. Finally, he spotted the red haired man. Hisoka was just about to charge at another opponent, and Gon needed to calm himself down. His hands were shaking, and his rod rattled along with them.

Calm down, Gon. You can do this.

Gon lifted his head up quickly, the words had caught his attention. There was a little voice inside of his head that sounded almost exactly like...


His eyes had a shadow cast over them once again. His presence had disappeared, and now all he needed to do was focus on Hisoka's pin. After waiting a few seconds, Hisoka charged at the opponent. 3....2....1....He thrust his rod at Hisoka at the perfect moment. As he pulled his rod back with the pin, Hisoka stared at him. No words, just staring at him. He looked down at his shirt, then back up at Gon. A smile creepily stretched across his face. This was Gon's cue to run.

Gon ran as fast as he could with the pin, holding it up to the sunlight to see it better. "I-I did it! Killua would be so proud of me-"


Gon's eye's widened after feeling a sharp pain in his leg. He looked around, his forehead starting to sweat. Who was that? Why does my leg hurt so badly? Should I hide? He took another step forward but tripped on his numb leg. He tried standing up, but his leg wouldn't cooperate. His whole body was now twitching, and the pain in his leg wasn't getting any better.

He felt someone jab the heel of their shoe into his temple, causing his head to pulse with tremendous pain. He was pinned to the ground, unable to move.

"I'll be taking that!" He heard a deep voice say.

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