The First Rule of Fight Club (Trial 27)

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Word count: 3153

Chapter warnings: Mild language, violence, and dangerous actions

[Please do not replicate any of the behaviors read in this book.]


After explaining what had happened with Tao's challenge, Suho warned her not to do it again without asking him about it. She tried to defend herself in regards to the time limit, but he wasn't having it. Tao attempted to take the blame for it, but they both understood that it was just Suho's being on edge. At least they got another trial out of the way. Only a few more before they were done... Finally, she just decided to move past it, looking down to the screen.

"Lay is limited for this trial." She said curtly, not willing to fight with their unofficial leader any longer. "Who did we say was going next?"

"We listed Sehun." Lay offered, paying attention mostly just because of the use of his name.

"I'm okay with that." Sehun said. "Let's go, it's getting late, and I'm starving. The faster we do this, the better."

"Alright," she pressed his name, waiting for it to load up. Before the text even appeared, Sehun grabbed the phone out of her hand. As she started yelling protests, he held it on his other side out of her reach as she grabbed his arm, jumping behind him to try and get it. Reading it, he said,

"I have to compete in a fighting ring." Pausing her jumps, she asked,

"Are you serious? That seems dangerous. And illegal." Handing the phone back to her, he said,

"Yeah, it does, doesn't it... Where are we even going to find a fighting ring?" As he asked this, everyone looked too Kris. Noticing their gazes, he glared.

"Don't look at me. I don't do that underground shit."

"We might need to ask the app again..." Chen suggested.

"The last time we did that, though, Lay got screwed over."

"Do we really have a choice, though?" Kyungsoo pointed out. "We can't just walk around the city asking people where to find a highly illegal activity we can participate in."

"Yeah, I guess." Suho said, clearly unhappy with this decision. "Y/N, ask the thing." He ordered. She wanted to snark back at him, but just did what he asked, watching the familiar box. Do you wish to request a set trial location? Note that this cannot be changed freely. Clicking yes, a GPS box popped up.

"I guess we have a place, then." She said. "It's within walking distance, actually, do we-"

"We're driving." Kris said, making it non-negotiable. "If something happens, I'm not gonna run down the street like some clown."

"Alright, alright," she said, putting her hands up in surrender, still grabbing her phone in one. "Let's go then." They got into Kris's car, inching down the road as she looked for the right area. Finally, they reached a suspiciously dark parking deck, to which she pointed. "There." Pulling in, she told him to just find whatever parking space he wanted. Although it was empty, she knew that the place must be close. Reluctantly, he did as she asked. Once they had stopped, everyone got out, Kris double checking to make sure it was locked.

"Okay," she directed. "I think it's in the bottom deck of this place. That's what the GPS is insinuating, anyway."

"Do you guys carry masks?" Kyungsoo asked, pulling one out of his pocket. It wasn't uncommon to do so for both health and privacy reasons. However, she didn't have hers on her- she generally didn't when she hung out with them. She wasn't alone, as Baekhyun wasn't carrying one either.

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