Slide (Trial 23)

52 5 0

Word count: 1138

Chapter warnings: Dangerous actions

[Please do not replicate any of the behaviors read in this book.]


"Alright, I've calculated it pretty well," Kyungsoo was saying as they stood by the road, watching the occasional car drive by. "The speed limit here is 55, and it takes you just over a second and a half to run the average width of a car. "A car" being Kris's car. Our two options are to wait until a car drives by, and I'll tell you when to run, or we get Kris to drive up himself."

"You really trust Kris not to purposely hit you with a car?" Baekhyun asked, elbowing Suho in the side as he surveyed his options. Kyungsoo ignored him, continuing to plot out his ideas.

"The reason Kai is limited is because of his teleportation abilities. He's the only one who'd be able to pull you out fast enough so that you wouldn't be hit. Without him, it's a matter of planning."

"How soon does he have to run out there, though?" Chanyeol asked.

"And does he have to stand in front of the car, or is he supposed to run out past it?" Lay added as well.

"I don't know," Y/N concluded, looking at the phone. "We'll only know once we try it. There's no other prerequisites listed. I don't understand why it's not more specific."

"Maybe we can ask it for more details?" Tao suggested, not wanting to have to do this more than once. The more times Suho had to run out there, the higher his likelihood of getting hurt was. Still, in the realm of dangerous tasks, it wasn't impossible. That had seemed to be the pattern recently with them- not fatal, but risky. Very college frat-esque.

"I can see." Y/N said skeptically. She figured that if the game wanted to give them any more details, it would have. In typing in her questions, she saw the loading bubble show up for a moment, then disappear, leaving nothing in its place. Confused, she tried it again- still nothing. After a few re-types and trying different wordings, she shook her head.

"It's not giving us anything. We'll just have to try our best."

"All jokes aside, wouldn't it be safer to have Kris drive?" Xiumin pointed out. "If he jumps out in front of a random car, there's no guarantee they'll stop in time. At least if we have him do it, he'll be aware."

"Or he'll just stop too soon and we'll have to do it again." Sehun countered.

"No, I think Xiumin has the right idea." Y/N said. "Worst case scenario, we just have to keep trying until we get it right. It doesn't specify whose car it has to be."

"But at the same time, wouldn't it be more and more risky the more times he has to do it?"

"No, I like that idea." Suho said. "We'll have Kris drive over the hill, come back down, and I'll run past his car. If the app tells us that's not alright, it'll give us a reason. Then we can figure it out from there." Kris pulled the keys out of his pocket, jingling them.

"On it. Anyone want a ride?"

"I'll come." Tao offered, earning a strange gaze from Kris.


"It'll be easier to undo the damage if I'm in the car." He explained. "I'm just trying to be prepared." Shrugging, Kris accepted, opening the door and sitting in, revving up the engine. Pulling out onto the road, he moved to the left, indicating that it would also be the direction he came from. Suho readied himself, mentally trying to make sure that he'd run across with enough time left.

Positioning with one leg in front of the other, his shoulders tensed up as he heard the distant hum of an engine. Looking down the road, she saw the hood of a car pull up over the hill, barreling towards them. She forgot how fast cars went. The white of the metal was causing a glint, the afternoon sun molding into early evening too bright for her eyes.

Wait... white?!

"Suho, stop!" She yelled as he ran forward into the street executing their plan. Instinctively, when he heard her voice cry out, he stopped, spinning on his heel to look at her. The only problem with that was that he was standing directly in the middle of the road. The reason she had shouted at him to stop was because the car driving towards him was not Kris's, and therefore had no idea what was going on.

The woman driving the vehicle slammed on her brakes, trying to pull onto the opposite side of the road to avoid him. She ended up spinning out, coming to a halt at a horizontal position to him as he stood, eyes wide, frozen like a deer on the asphalt. Running over to him, she grabbed his elbow, shaking him.

"Suho, are you okay?!"

"What the hell?!" A female voice shrieked from the now open door of the white vehicle. It seemed like the automobile was fine, but she was obviously angry. She must have been in her mid forties or fifties, hair evidently dyed a fake shade of blonde with the roots just barely showing. "What do you think you're doing, you idiot kids?!"

"We're sorry, ma'am!" Suho started to say. "See, there's this-" Panicking for the second time in a matter of seconds, reaching to slap a hand over his mouth.

"He didn't see you coming!" She said, laughing awkwardly. "He's a little slow, if that uh... she glanced over to him. "Makes sense."

"I don't care what sort of nut job he is! He could have been killed! Don't you-" As she was chewing them out, Kris's much nicer car pulled up, quickly slowing to a stop as he and Tao partially realized what was going on. Lay jerked his hand towards the vehicle, indicating to the other members to get in while the lady was distracted. Seeing them move out of the corner of her eye, Y/N desperately tried to find away to satiate her and walk away. Finally, growing weary, she grabbed Suho's arm, hanging onto it like an old fashioned woman.

"Come on, hun, let's get you home."

"Wait a minute! I'm not-" Before the woman or Suho knew what was happening, she escorted him into the car, opening the passenger side door for him and slipping back in her door, squishing between Kai and Tao (who had since moved to the back).

"Go!" She commanded Kris, who took a full 180 turn and sped away before the woman could stop them. Breathing in and out heavily, Suho asked,

"What was that for?"

"We lose if you tell her about the trials!" She reminded him.

"I- oh..." Shaking her head, she said,

"At least we finished the trial."

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