Chapter Three

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🍒🍒🍒 when you see this there is sexual content.

Goku felt like his luck will never turn around. It was almost every day he would relieved harassment from Vegeta. He couldn't have a day where he is left in peace. All because they got the same target. Goku thought about just killing the small assassin, but he couldn't. Besides it wouldn't be a good idea to even try. Goku hasn't a slightest clue how skilled Vegeta really is and be wasn't going to test the waters. He managed to have some decent clients in addition without Vegeta butting in. So there is that.

As of present time, Goku sat by a popular bar he's never been to, called the Third Rail. He waited patiently for the robot bartender to come to him. His eyes scanned the liquor collection. The assassin took a moment to think what he should get.

"Oi we got beer. You ain't buying beer you ain't buying."

Goku was a bit surprised by the robot's British accent. He took a deep breath, "crown and coke."

"Alright mate."

Goku glanced at the name tag near the old bot. The name was Whitechapel Charlie. He looked around the bar some more. There was a pretty singer on stage. Wearing all red and hair black as  midnight. Goku tapped his finger to the rhythm of the song. He jumped whenever Whitechapel Charlie slided his glass to him.

"Thanks, Whitechapel." Goku said sipping from his glass. He felt the cold liquid run down his throat followed by the warm bitter taste of the alcohol. He looked around the old bar. Everything seemed worn down but the people didn't seem to care. They were too busy mingling amongst each other or making friends with the bottom of a bottle. 

"Now that you're all liquored up, I got a proposition for ya." Whitechapel started Goku. He looked at the bot confused. "I got word around town that people are paying top dollar for you to exterminate rats, and I need a dirty boy to do some dirty, dirty work. Blood on the pavement. Bodies on the ground. That kind of thing, interested?" Goku thought for a moment, "hmm... I might be interested, but... How much you're paying? and what's the job"

"You see I am not the owner of this fine establishment... Well that part doesn't matter. What matters is I want a couple of rat cleared out. Simple enough... Every worker here with a title that contain authority down. The payment will be 10M for every bastard put down. Leave no witnesses."

"10M for each... Alright give me a visual on who's my targets?" Goku asked tapping his glass. Whitechapel handed Goku ten pictures. Each one had everything about the individual. The assassin studied them carefully nodding to himself. He already had a plan ready to execute them and fallbacks incase of any impasses. "The payment is given after the job is done. Believe me I'll know." Whitechapel said cleaning a glass and refilling Goku's drink before attending another patron. Goku sat there siping from his glass and lost in thought.

"Kakarrot, fancy seeing you here."

Goku knew that voice all too well. He turned to see Vegeta. The short assassin wore a rather tight out fit. It hugged his petite form revealing his curves and of course he had another cherry lollipop in his mouth. Goku grumbled beneath his breath before he began to down his drink faster. 

"Ignoring me aren't you? I couldn't help but overhear the conversation between you and old Charlie." Vegeta strutted over leaning against the counter. "You know I'm a regular here..."

Goku knew where this was heading. He glared at Vegeta ready to tell him something but Whitechapel intervened. "Vegeta? Did not expect you to drop by... You want your usual?" Vegeta smirked. "yeah and... I want that job you gave third fiddle here." Goku stood up abruptly he opened his mouth to speak but Vegeta cut him off. "No no speaking for you. I am going to prove that I'm better than you." He turned to Whitechapel, "I overheard your deal with this third fiddle. I am hurt that you didn't come to me. I want to make an offer." The Mr. Handy bot turned to Vegeta. "An offer? An' what better offer I can get?"

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