Author's note

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Ummm not even sure where I come up with these names. They just kinda pop up and they're really random.
So excuse possibly stupid sounding names in the future.

I hope at least some of you have read Inkheart. And if you haven't, do.


If you haven't, I'll briefly explain it:
Meggie Folchart and her dad Mo both posess the mysterious ability to read a book and make it's characters come to life.

Or rather, they can take the characters from their own world into this one.

It's because they have such a beautiful reading voice it coaxes the character out of the pages, whether purposefully or accidentally.

That's why Mo has the nickname "Silvertoungue"
Horrible summary, but I'm not trying to explain the book, I'm trying to explain what happens.

And just so you know, I'm making this up on the fly.

Ok, I'll start the story then...

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