Chapter Four

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I write and erase and write again until I'm relatively satisfied Gwin can get home.

It reads:

The marten had been gone for almost no time at all. By the time Dustfinger realized he hadn't heard the angry chattering of Gwin in some time, he was back in Dustfunger's backpack. They were still in the back of Silvertoungue's camper van, Silvertoungue and his daughter in front, Dustfinger in back. As Gwin lay there in the dark encasement of the pack, the events of the day spent outside of the world to which he'd become accustomed faded from memory, until he forgot he ever left the book at all.

I drag Gwin out of my backpack and sit him on the floor in front of me.

I place the smuggled spaghetti in front of him and he wolfs it down. He certainly is a greedy little marten.

Making sure he's occupied, I settle down comfortably on my desk chair and hold the sheet of notebook paper in front of me.

I take a deep breath and get ready to read. Before I do, I wonder absently what will come out of Inkheart when Gwin goes in.

I mentally prepare myself for something bad and start to read the passage aloud...

When I finish reading, I look at the spot where Gwin was and see nothing. Nothing but a minor spaghetti sauce stain on the carpet.

It worked!

I wonder HOW well, though.

Am I like Darius, who left Resa's voice behind when he read her out of Inkheart, as well as gave Cockerell a limp and Flatnose a squished face? (Though, the name Flatnose sounds like it was pretty bad to begin with) Did I mess up Gwin somehow and now he's somehow disabled?

I shrug off the thought. Whatever happens now concerns the characters in the book. I am no longer involved with Gwin.

Except for one thing. Whatever came out of the book to replace Gwin.

I look around my room and see it on my bed - and I gasp in horror.

For sitting on my bed is Meggie's Book Box

Sorry, this chapter is really short. But aren't all of mine? This one is especially short, however, because I wanna end on that cliffhanger.


I'm considering starting a Disney story. Should I? It won't be about the princesses, but about the animals.

Also, got too lazy to make a cover for this chapter. Whoops. Partly cuz I don't know what kinda pic to use.

Okay, bye

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