Franziska x fem reader part 2

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You go home after a day of work and you lay down on your bed. Why was she playing with your hair? Do you think the strict serious procecuter actually has feelings for you? You shake your head. There's no way she could. You get out of bed change clothes and climb in bed and drift to sleep

The next day

Your almost done with your work for today you pick up your things and open the door and you see franziska who looks like she was about to knock her eyes widen a bit "oh! (L/N) can I see you in my office in about 10 mins?" You look at her confused but agree "sure I can go with you now if you'd like!" She shakes her head "alright. Then let's go" you follow her back to her office walking behind her she has her whip gripped firmly in her hand and she is more tense than she usually is.

You both make it back to her office and she closes the door. "Please (y/n) have a seat." You walk over and take a seat. Wait did she use your first name? What on earth is happening?? She sits next to you and grips her hands into her skirt. "Franziska are you ok? you seem way more tense than usual!" She looks away "yes I'm fine I just need to talk to you about something." You nod your head "what is it?" Franziska takes a deep breath. "(Y/n) we've known eachother for quite a long time. And im sorry to say this but." She takes a long Pause before continuing " (f/n) (l/n) I have feelings for you. And I don't want to. I don't want to be distracted from my work. Nonetheless be in a relationship with a woman what would my family think?! I have to be perfect no matter what! I love you but I can't do this!" Your eyes widen "franziska! No body is perfect! Who cares about what other people think!" You take her hand and you feel your eyes fill up with tears while looking at her with tears flowing out of her eyes. She slowly puts a hand on your cheek and starts to lean into you. The gap between you two closes and your lips meet.

It felt like the whole world was spinning when you kissed her she pulled away slowly but went back in and you guys continued to kiss for a moment. She pulls away and smiles. " you must not tell anyone about this. This is our little secret until I say it is ok to say anything about it. But we will be having dinner soon ill text you." You stand up and look at her "your not the boss of me" you giggle until you see her reaching for her whip "watch your mouth" you jump and kiss her cheek "I'll text you later" and you run out the door as she holds her cheek in her hand smiling

(This is a repost cause my friend found my account and I said "panik"

Tell me if you want a part 3!!
Thanks for reading!
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