chapter 1

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we zoom in the federation of south americas where their militiary are holding the nato and usa forces far away from them 

federation commander:hold them back men just a littile more and we can leave this world for the federation 

federation army:for the federation forward as  they opened fire on the usa and nato forces sent to stop them as the nato and usa forces have been suffering heavy casualties 

usa commander:find cover man damm what are they trying to protected 

nato commander:i dont know my allie what ever they are trying to protected is valuable find cover man 

as the battle continues we zoom in the skies where the usa and nato air forces are suffering heavy casualties and many of them are being shoot down by the federation air force pilots and aces 

federation ace:target locked fox two he lauches two air to air missiles shooting two f 15 eagles outh of the skies as he was shooting the last one he got several behind him

federation pilots:sir behind you got him fox three he fires five to air missiles shooting them down out of the skies and making the usa and nato lose their air force 

federation ace:good work rookie still keep your guard open 

federation pilots:copy that ace 

we zoom on the naval side where the federation navy are keeping the usa and nato forces from entering and sinking many of their ships to the bottom of the sea 

at the same time we zoom as blagoj and logan are fighting elias and hesh with blagoj facing elias while logan is facing hesh 

blagoj:you are good elias 

elias:same to you blagoj also where is rorke 

blagoj:well rorke is dead i killed him for his failures and attempteing to overthrow me i also burned his body to make sure he stays dead shall we 

elias:yes we shall as they fought in cqc blagoj and elias were evenly matched 

at the sametime logan and hesh are fighting each other 

logan:not bad bro 

hesh:same why did you join blagoj 

logan:well its simple he saved my life from rorke healed riley and helped me kill that son of a bith once and for all lets continue 

hesh:ye lets bro as they fought in cqc 

meanwhile in the federation science department the scienties reported to blagoj and he said this to him

scientis:sir the portal is ready 


scientist:yes sir and with that a large portal appeard sucking the federation of south americas into another world as they ended there the usa and nato commanderes were shocked of this 

usa commander:so the war is over 

nato commander:yes it appers so my frieund 

elias:well at least rorke is dead 

hesh:true lest hope logan and blagoj survived in that world 

elias:we can hope so 

as they leave  south america and return back to their nations as heroes 

meawhile in the azur lane blagoj was delivering a speech to his people it went like this 

blagoj:my people sons and daughteres of the federation for many years we were broken nation shunned opressed and congured by those we sought to escape ten years ago my predecesor let us to an exile to south america i have rebuilt our pride culture and we have ended in this world my people we will survive and show those fools why we should be underestamitted defenders of the federations dream now is our time as they cheered 

logan:nice speech blagoj so what now 

blagoj:now we prepare our forces incase we are forced into a another war and the crimson axis and the sirens will be defeated 

logan:this will be fun right blagoj

blagoj:indeed things will get intresting in this world 

logan:yep it will  lets go and prepare for tommorrow 

blagoj:yes lets go logan  as they left preparing for tommorrow the meeting betweent the federations commanderes 

generals scintiest admirals and otheres begin