chapter 34

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we zoom in the siren homeworld where the sirens have been shocked to lose their war against the federation before they can continue the alarm activated as they got outside they watched as their space navy was being wiped out by the federation onslaughtet 

we zoom in blagojs personal space ship where he is watching and commanding the fleet to wipe out many of the siren warships with some of them surrendering and being captured with many of them being destroyed and 

several of them destroying the sirens defence shield which alloweed the federation portals to open and from them exited logan voss radec and yuri along with thier armies 

voss:imperial forces secure the docks and militiary bases for our troops to rest and to defend untill our fleet deliver the rest of our forces from orbit 

imperial forces:yes sir for the steal alliance empire as they rushed forward wipeing out the siren army guarding the militiary bases and securing them along with their space ports 

radec:all helghast show no mercy to the sirens wiped them out near the main space ports and airfields 

helghast army:for helghan as they rushed forward wipeing out many of them  and securing the main space port and airfields which allowed their aicraft to land and begin refuling as well as bombarding their enemies defences 

logan and yuri:defend those positiosn at all cost men 

federation and yuri army:as you wish die siren scum as the sirens were being pushed back 

the federation space fleet entered orbit and have finished their preparations and have begun sieging the enemy main hq and base

 where the sirens generals were being there and with thier combine might the sirens generals were taken pow of war and with that area clear they advanced with thier forces moving 

forward their newest weapons of wars being new tanks apc mechs rocket laucheres aa guns and metal gears along with thier air force and allies have begun pushing forward to the siren capital after a grueling 20 days of siege the sirens were defeated and they were alloweed to leave 

this multiverse and to not cause trouble or there will be diere consequences as blagojs men celebrated their victory by placing the flag of the federation along with their allies signaling the sirens defeated and humiliation to 

the rest of the multiverse to show them that even if they are powerful they can stil be defeated and with that the federation 

soldiers were returning back home to rest because tommorrow begins the militiary parade of the defeat of the sirens empire