chapter 3

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we zoom in the federation 

where blagoj was meeting with the  two leaders of the azur lane nations the eagle union and the royal navy the leader 

is franklin de rossevelt while for the royal navy is winston churchil at first they thought a nation from another

 world is a joke but when one of their aicraft spotted the nation and its armies wipeing out the sirens and ignoring

 the azur lane shipgirls this made both leaders to meet the leader of the nation  as they arriveed with several of the shipgirls 

from their navies while the rest of them were being put in pearl harbor in order to prepare for the war that is to begin 

because of the sakura empire ironblood sardegian empire leaving and with iris libre being invaded and divedid in half forming an alliance with the federation is the only choise they have 

blagoj:welcome prime minister and president rossovelt and winston churchill im blagoj the leader of the federation of south americas this is logan my second in command 

logan:nice too meet you both 

rossevelt:nice too meet you blagoj and logan on behalf of the eagle union im invited to this nation you said the reason you invited us both here is to tell us something also girls introduce your selfes 

enteprise:im enterprise nice too meet you both 

washington:im washington nice too meet you both 

baltimore:im baltimore nice too meet you both 

laffley:nice too meet you im laffley sleepy falls asleep

baltimore:laffley wake up 

blagoj:let her sleep baltimore  plus its adorable anywhey welcome shipgirls and rossevelt of the eagle union you are next prime minister 

churchill:im winston churchill the prime minister of the royal navy and these are the shipgirls of the royal navy introduce yourselfes ladyes 

hood:nice too meet you blagoj and logan im hood pride of the royal navy

belfast:im belfast nice too meet you masteres 

victorious:im victorious nice too meet you

javelin:im javelin nice too meet you 

blagoj:ok introductions are done the reason i invited you all here is  to tell you what the sirens are doing in your 

world so blagoj explained from where they came the war with the usa and nato the other stuff of their history from their world and the crashed space ship being from an advanced civilization and  the sirens

 being an empire as he told them blagoj could look at them shocked and horror of the sirens being an empire and seeing that they dont have a chance against them blagoj told them this 

blagoj:we can defeat the scounting force to do this we need to replace your pistons aicraft with jets and

 introducing the helicopters assault riffile machine guns new snipers rpgs sam sites and new ships and tanks apc rocket lauchers and new reforms to the economy and militiary 

retrofoits for the shipgirls and as well as defeating the crimson axis also i have intel from our spyes in 

side the crimson axis they are going to attack pearl harbor next mouth so we need to prepare our forces

 will join this war to help your nations advanced and to help establish peace and to help the other nations with their sirens problems so what do you say 

rossevelt:wery well blagoj considers us allies on your side we will help you hoever we need to know what is your plan once we defeat the scounting force 

churchill:im in my nation will help you considers allies also i agree with rossevelt what is your main goal and will you tell us what were those rockets taking off from cuba 

blagoj:the reason we have rockets in cuba is part of our space weapon codname odin and loki they will be used against heavily fortiffied targets militiary bases ports and even strongholds they are defended by our astronauts and have robots and drones to kill any intruders as for my plan once we defeat the scounting force my nation will begin building a space force and to help outher worlds under the threat of the sirens 

churchill:wery well lets sign the treaty 

rossevelt:lets signed it 

blagoj:ok as the treaty was brought both blagoj rossevelt and churchill signed the treaty the next day they were 

given samples of technology from blagojs worlds and for the first time enterprise and the shipgirls of 

the eagle union and hood and the others of the royal navy were retroffited to a modern upgrade giving them new weapons such as missiles ciws sams poweful guns jet aicraft and being equiped

 with nucklear reactors making them more powerful and within mere weeks the azur lane and the federation joined forces in order to defeat the sirens and unite the azur lane with the crimson axis and to defeat the sirens