chapter 4

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we zoom in the federation where their forces are planing to move to the pacific half of them led by blagoj are going there while the other half led by logan are going to britain in order to help the royal navy and eagle union forces to liberate europe from the crimson axis 

blagoj:all right logan half of the militiary are going with me to the pacific front to deal with the sakura empire

 and ironblood forces there meanwhile you deal with the european front and prepare our forces for operation d day to begin sooner or later 

logan:roger that man im taking the other half of the army to europe good luck blagoj 

blagoj:and same to you logan as they went to their respective battlecarriers blagoj and his fleet went to the pacific in pearl harbor in order to prepare for for the battle of the pacific 

meanwhile we zoom in pearl harbor where the shipgirls are there waiting for blagoj and his forces to

 arrive and they didnt have to wait far too long as the federation first fleet arriveed and were bringing

 their forces from their ships  exiting which included tanks apc rocket lauchers aa guns sam sites vehicles  and soldiers while in the skies their aicraft were patrolling for any intruders

blagoj:good to see you wales illustrious 

wales:good to see ya blagoj i presume you brought your reinforcements where is logan 

blagoj:logan will be leading the other half of the army in europe to assited the forces there for operation d day and overlord 

illustrious:thats a good idea also good to see you blagoj 

blagoj:good to see you as well ladies shall we go and discussed in the briefing room 

wales:yes lets go 

as they left the dock ayami was shocked to see the leader of the federation being here and she knew that kidnapping him wont end well as his men were patroling the area for any spyes as she left outside she grabbed her communicator to contact akagi and kaga 

ayami:this is ayami to akagi and kaga we got a huge problem the federation army are here along with their leader 

akagi:i see it doesnt matter exited the base and sent us these cordinates 

ayami:roger that littile did she realize blagojs men found out 

federation soldier:we need to warn blagoj 

federation soldier2:get to it man ill follow her and to capture her 

federation soldier:roger that as they left 

we zoom in the meeting room where blagoj was drinking tea and talking with wales illustrious and cleveland being there it went like this 

blagoj:so far my forces managed to eliminate the sirens in the south pole and south america are liberated also 

we begun to produce our own weapons and vehicles to fight in the war as for my spyes reported that the

 ironblood navy are still locked in their harbours and we find out that they sent erwin rommel to africa which means i have to employ one of my commanderes who is expert in desert warfare to keep rommel contained 

wales:good idea hoever our main consern is the sakura empire which could be planting something 

llustrious:true  the sakura empire our are big consern 

before they can continue to talk one of blagojs men came to warn them 

federation soldiers:blagoj we got a huge problem that shipgirl ayami is with the sakura empire also akagi and kaga are planning to lauch their attack 

blagoj:all forces prepare for battle as he draws his smg and rocket laucher lets go

wales:wait we are coming to help 

blagoj:lets go 

as they reach the otside of the base the shipgirls with the federations help were able to sink most of the sirens vessels untill a fog appeard 

cleveland:do you think they are in that fog 

blagoj:it might be they they are 

akagi:so you are the leader of this nation blagoj 

kaga:how did you found about our plans 

blagoj;how i foundt out is none of your conserns you have two options leave and i will spare your lives do not leave and you will die 

akagi:fu fu fu you think you can threaten us 

blagoj:you didnt listen all forces open fire 

then without warning the federation appeard and opened fire on the sakura empire shipgirls damaging them untill enteprise fired her arrow at kaga knocking her down

kaga:how dare you 

akagi:sister  we acomplished our mission she was holding a black mental cube untill it was destroyed by blagoj 

blagoj:leave or else seeing this they left the base was intacted 

enteprise:one battle ends another begins 

blagoj:so i belive we should prepare our forces for the next battle