chapter 12

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we zoom on blagojs personal command ship as they were entering their first world suprsinigly as they exited it 

was another earth blagoj ordered his technicinas and personal to scan the world as they waited for the scan blagoj contacted logan that he ended in another earth 

logan:damm so the earth where are from is a primary and the rest of them wont exist if our earth dissapeard 

blagoj:yes you are corrected on that logan

logan:damm it appears me and half of the militiary ended in strangreal 

blagoj:what can you tell me of this world logan

logan:from what we acquire the sirens have been spotted fighting on the allied forces side the belkans requested backup from us should we helped them

blagoj:logan permission granted show the oseans what happense when they side with the sirens help the belkans and their allies in this war 

logan:yes sir as he begun ordering his forces to join and help the belkans win the war and the transmission ended 

federation crew member:sir we scanned the planet it appears the sirens are fighting the organazation know as groufer and krueger 

blagoj:what is this organazation made from 

federation crew member:sir it appears their made of tactical dolls  from the guns we used in the past of our former world 

blagoj:intresting whats happening on the ground 

federation crew member:from what we found their forces are holding back the sangvis ferri and the sirens hoever they wont last one if we dont interfier 

blagoj:all forces this is blagoj we have entered another universe go to the surface and help the t dolls in their fight against the sangvis ferri and the sirens show these sirens no mercy

federation soldiers pilots mech pilots and crew members:for the federation charge 

and so blagoj begun to board his personal transport ship and with him were the entire federation forces have begun to enter the earth

we zoom on the ground where the ar team 404 squad and otheres are trying to stop the sangvis ferri and the unkown enemy 

m4 soped:damm there is too many of them we need reinforcements 

m16:i tryed contacting command for reinforcements they said they will arrive 5 minutes 

 hk416:we wont last that one 

ump 9:well lets say our prays girls 

ar team 404 and othears:it was nice serving with you girls 

but before they can be killed by the sirens a huge fleet and army entered the planet as they looked at this fleet from there perspective it was large 

as they look in front of them the fleet thousands of helicopteres jet fighteres were opening fire on the sangvis ferri and sirens  and 

from the lead one exited the leader along with his soldiers and tanks apc rocket laucheres mechs and drones and he said this to the girls 

blagoj:nice too meet you girls of groufer and krueger im blagoj the leader of the federation of south americas consider us your allies in this war against the sangvis ferri and the sirens 

m16:wait those being that attacked us are sirens 

blagoj:yes m16 they are part of the siren empire which we are trying to wipeout all forces show no mercy

federation forces:for the federation and with that the girls along with blagojs men were able to wipeout  mosth of the enemis forces with blagoj telling his men that we will win and triumph

blagoj:sons and daughteres of the federation we defeated this scounting force but be warned my people our

 liberation of this world starts today we shall fight we shall conguer and most importanly we shall never yield or surrender 

federation forces:for the federation as they cheered 

m16:i believe you should meet our commander and signed an alliance with us 

blagoj:good idea m16 also my forces will help you in this war 

 hk 416:thanks blagoj we own you 

blagoj:its no problem girls seeing that the enemy of my enemy is my frieund shall we go and meet your commander 

m4soped:lets go as they boarded the vtol warship they begun to head to the hq of the tactical dolls one thing 

is certain  the war against  the sirens have begun and with their nation and worlds well defended with an energy shield one thing is certain the sirens will be defeated