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Author note
So this is my first fanfic if there's any spelling or grammar errors please let me know so hope you enjoy.

Story idea inspired by Omniknight11 .

*Blue Steve's POV*

"So this is were it ends, the little beacon of hope cornered at the back of a cave. Any last words" Nightmare Steve said almost emotionlessly.
'I can let rainbow die now he's too young, what I will do I need to do anything to keep him safe'. Right after I told myself that I saw Nightmare get ready to do a final attack on him, so I did the only thing I can.
"RAINBOW" I jumped in front of him and took the hit and saved him.
"Well looks like your little friend saved your life. I will let you deal with this now ba-bye".

*1 hour later*
*Rainbow Steve's POV*

"Blue Steve p-please hold in there I c-can't loss you now I-I still ne-need you, I d-don't want to d-do this by my-myself, I c-can't do this I n-need you." I wimped
"Rain not matter what I will be there for you, alive or dead it doesn't matter. Now when I die the last of my energy will go to you so I'm always there, so please promise me that you won't be sad after I'm dead". As blue said all that lightning was slowly hitting him showing that he was gonna disappear soon.
" huh, guess it's time for me to pass on now, well remember me rainy and always keep that bright smile on your face for me... goodbye".

AN - I most likely won't update much but if I get ideas or if anyone gives me ideas (which I will give credit to the one who gives me it) and I might not have much time due to school and stuff.

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