Ch-3 Kidnapped

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AN- this chapter idea was given to me by AmyOgrady0 Hope you enjoy

*the next day in the morning*
* Sabre'sPOV *
"Good morning Sabre did you have a good sleep."
"Yeah Rainbow Steve I had a great sleep and btw you have the BEST beds."
"Heh glad you liked them."
*no one's POV*
Rainbow Steve and Sabre had breakfast and chatted for a while and out of nowhere lightning was heard.
*Rainbow Steve's POV*
"WHAT WAS THAT" both me and my new chicken friend said.
"I'll go check it out." I walk outside and there I see him, the nightmare king. I don't know if he saw me or not but I run back to Sabre.
"Well what happened?"
"You might not like it but you remember when I told you about the nightmare king."
"Well he's outside right now and I don't know if he saw me or not so what should we do?" I said in an extremely panic voice.
"Ha found you and look what we have here a player."
After he said that all we could hear was thunder then a bright light appeared and I don't know what happened next.

*Sabre's POV*
I wake up to see that I'm surrounded by lava and iron bars.
"What happened." I say while trying to if my colourful friend, but I find another player.
"Wh-who are you?"

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