Chapter 5- started off on the wrong foot *NOT EDITED/PROOFREAD*

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|AUTHORS NOTE|- So yayy finally a new update :) Hope you guys like it feel free to comment your opinions, so i can learn from my mistakes and write better. And yea i finished my business studies exam and i was like why not write a new chapter and yea thats what i did.And my BS exam was BULL!! praying that i get through it anyways i'll stop with my rambling so you guys can read :) Enjoy xo


*Blair's pov*

'I can't believe you spent half an hour searching for your phone while it was in your hands the whole damn time last night" I chucked as Skylar joined in

Haley's face flushed red with mortification.

"Don't blame me blame the alcohol," she groaned out while tucking a loose tendril.

"But last night was one incredible night," Skylar added as she smoothed out her light purple chiffon top.

"Yeaaaaaa," I sighed dreamily reminiscing about the dance with Nathan last night.

"I'm hungry why can't the damn bell ring already," Haley voiced out while patting her flat tummy.

The three of us were seated in a spare classroom. We decided to ditch our morning classes today and just catch up.

"How many minutes more for lunch," I questioned

"10 more minutes," Skylar stated putting her sleek white phone back into her pocket.

I stated at the projector enjoying the stillness. It felt pleasant. The three of us are diverse in our ways but yet there was something familiar between us that pulled us together. I personally think it's the different attributes that made us exceptional and made our little posse enjoyable.

"Let's meet up at our usual cafe this evening," Skylar proposed.

"Mhhm I'll join you guys after my practice," Haley stated

Skylar and I sent her a nod agreeing with our plan.


*Haley's POV*

I stared at the vacant basketball court. While holding onto my basket ball I had this competitive edge within me. I don't really know if it's an admirable trait or not. But I never take loosing easily whether it be sports or academically or any other. I always want to be at the top and make progress to be the best every day. You know what they say hard work beats talent any day. I pulled my hair into a high ponytail and started my warm up.

I watched as my basket ball went right through the hoop for the 25th time. I smirked to myself feeling content

"Don't be so hard on yourself, take it easy," a smooth voice called out.

I held on to my chest trying to even out my breathing.

"Drink some, it's cold," Nathan offered handing out a water bottle with a small smile playing on his full lips

"It's not poisoned is it? I joked before gulping it down.

"The thirst is real," Nathan chucked.

"Oh shut up,"

"Sooo I've been thinking," he drawled while looking down at his feet awkwardly.

"OMG congratulations you can think," I gasped while clapping my hands.

Nathan sent me a mock glare

"Okay okay," I surrendered hiding a smile. Okay that was pretty comical it's not my fault he doesn't have a good sense of humor.

"I've been thinking that we started off on the wrong foot so I would like to start from scratch and give you the pleasure of my incredible friendship. So what do you think?

"Your incredible friendship?," I raised my eyebrows.

"Yea not many are that fortunate you know," he mused out assertively.

I pondered for awhile. Thinking about it I've never given him a chance either. I don't like holding grudges with people for no reason so I had no issue with his offer.

"My anaconda has come to the verdict that I would bless you with the remarkable friendship of mine," I grinned.

"I knew something was wrong with you the first time I saw you,"

"Oh shut up Nathan,"

"Geez okay I was only kidding,"

"Hi there I'm Haley parker the most marvelous and stunning girl you'll ever meet in your entire lifetime," I giggled while shaking his hand.

"And I'm Nathan Drew Donovan the sexiest and astonishing guy you'll ever meet in your entire lifetime," He introduced himself seriously while shaking my hand.

Our eyes met for a few seconds before we bursted out laughing clutching on to our stomachs.

I walked out of the gym as I stared at the lengthy dark hallway which was eerily quiet.

Grabbing my phone I sent out a quick text to my mom saying that I'll catch a bus home as I'm meeting up with Blair and Skylar at the cafe. Nathan walked besides me with his hands shoved inside his pockets.

"Why did you stay extra hours I mean I stayed for basket ball but what about you,?" I questioned furrowing my eyebrows as I looked at him waiting for an answer.

I watched him flinch something I would have missed if I didn't look too closely.

"No reason, it's dull at home," he stated In a final tone with clenched jaws.

inquisitiveness bubbled inside of me but I knew better than to pry.

"Don't worry your life will never be dull again now that you have an amazing friend like me," I stated shoving him playfully trying to lighten up the mood.

Nathan rolled his eyes

"Ever heard of being self-effacing Hale?'"

"Oh I was until I made friends with an arrogant person; I think his qualities are rubbing off on me,"

"Oh that person sound's pretty astounding,"

"Oh screw you Nathan you conceited son of a pretty amazing lady,"

"Oh screw you too Haley you conceited daughter of a pretty amazing lady,"

"Maybe Screw you can be our always like the fault in our stars," Nathan chuckled finding his joke amusing

I stared at him as he chuckled whole heartedly. His eyes crinkled as he laughed and his brown orbs shone with merriment, I looked away with a smile on my lips, I was afraid that if I stared too long at him I would fall way too hard and possibly end up being friend zoned.

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