Chapter 1

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JEON Entertainment Company, New York City

A raven haired woman clad in business suit was standing before a glass pane that was occupying the entire right wall of her office. Her light brown orbs were looking down through the ceiling-to-floor glass to view the busy streets below. A distant look was plastered on her feature as she blankly stared below. Her mind was anywhere but at the usual sight that was presented to her everyday. A small frown was marring her beautiful feature as she thought about the news that came to her knowledge at an unholy hour of past one o'clock that morning. The news did not concern the company's performance where she was the Chief Executive Officer and its owner. The company was doing well. No, it was not just doing well. It was actually doing great in the entertainment industry. The company had a lot of young and talented artists to be displayed on the limelight. Add the brilliant people who worked behind the cameras. Slim eyebrows scrunched together as she tried to think of a way to break this news to a certain young woman.

Surely the certain young woman was talented. No, that would be an utter understatement. This certain young woman was a genius. She was a prodigy in cinematography. She was one of the young directors that the company had. Every project that this certain young woman had laid her hands on always turned out to be at least a blockbuster if not winning all the awards there were in every category. The actresses and actors in her movies were always bagging home the coveted Best Actress and Best Actors awards, respectedly. She had her unique ways of bringing out the best in every artist. Be they promising young stars who dreamed of making their names known or superstars who were defending their prestigious titles in the movie industry. During her first year in cinematography, she managed to won the prestigious Grammy and Oscar Awards for the category of Best Director for two different sets of entries. At her current age of 21, prospective movies were flooding on her doorstep. Artists' managers were begging her to be their talents' movie director. But unfortunately, she was not one to take just any project.

Of course, not everything about this certain young woman was positive. Every coin always has two sides. She was ill-tempered and not one with long patience. Freedom was one thing that she will never trade for the world. She despised being bossed around because she believed that she should be the one in control of things and more importantly, her life. These things were what worried the raven haired woman. She was brought out of her deep thoughts when her keen ears caught a sound of commotion behind her office door. The double door opened in a not so gentle way when a young blonde haired woman barged in with two bulky men restraining her.

"Let me go! Damn it." the young blonde haired woman cursed as she glared at the two bulky men clad in navy blue suit with sunglasses and earpieces on their eyes and ears, respectively. But the two did not even budge, determined on fulfilling their task at any cost. Surely, their captive was one scary and not to mention violent young woman but the elder version was way scarier than the one they were currently restraining. That elder version was the one whose back was turned towards them. They cannot afford to let her loose without compromising their job.

The elder  woman left the glass pane and proceeded on facing her unwilling guest, judging from its unrelenting effort to free from her strong restraints. She was faced by a pair of glaring light brown orbs that were boring through her soul but she ignored them, being immune to such defiance. She went on speaking to the guest instead."Chaeyoung. I apologize for cutting your vacation short." She was not able to continue when the raven haired young woman interjected.

"Cutting it short!? Are you insane!? The vacation never started to begin with! These idiots dragged me back the moment I stepped on the arrival area of the airport." Chaeyoung glared at the woman in front of her before snapping her attention to the two bulky men. "Will you two fuckin' let go of me!?"

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