Period - Emmett Forrest

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"No one's home," I yell through the door to whoever was knocking. 

The knocking continues, and I hear a voice saying, "You clearly are home, let me in! I have something to tell you!"

"Emmett?" I ask.

"In the flesh," He responds with a small chuckle.

I groan and make my way off the bed. I open the door to see my boyfriend smiling largely. Despite all the pain I was in, I couldn't help but smile when I saw him. 

"Hey, Y/n. Two things, number one, guess who just got a big lucrative trial coming up," He says with a smirk, "Number two, are you ok? You sure don't look it."

I stop smiling and glare at him, "Wow, that's rude."

"No, that's not what I meant," he says nervously, rambling on about how it came out wrong and didn't mean any harm.

"I'm on my period if that's what you mean," I say crossing my arms, walking over to my bed.

Emmett's face flushes bright red, and says, "Oh, well, do you want me to get anything for you?"

I sigh and put a pillow over my head, "Just a pack of pads, I guess."

"Ok," he says quietly, and he leaves the room.

He comes back about half an hour later with a few grocery bags, "I'm back. I hope you don't mind, I got some other stuff."

I perk my head up and get out of bed, "What else?" 

"I didn't know what you would want, so I got you the pads you asked for, your favorite ice cream, your favorite candy, and some pain medicine," He puts down the bag, "Sorry, I didn't know what you would want-"

He rambles, and I cut him off with a hug, "You're so adorable. And I love it. Thank you," Emmett sighed, which made me giggle, "Can we watch a movie?" To which he nods.

He breaks away from the hug and grabs a movie from the shelf to put it in the DVD player. I grab a few spare blankets from the closet and use them to make a nook on the bed.

We finally settle onto the bed, and I cuddle into him and say, "By the way, I'm proud of you. You know, about the trial."

Emmett smiles, kisses the top of my head, and says, "Thank you, love."

(Sorry it's so short ma dudes 😳 but thanks for the request!)

Christian Borle x Reader ✨O N E  S H O T S✨Where stories live. Discover now