Choatic dream :)

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Chaos Warning :)

No ships this time, just dream being a chaotic child :)

Also cringe warning :)



Me and george were talking about some random stuff, bad came over and splashed me with some sort of splash potion, after that I passed out.


After dream passed out he turned into a kid?

Me and bad were really confused on how it happened, "i thought it was a weakness potion! Not a potion that makes you a kid!" Bad said, "guess like we have to watch him" i said, I mean, what could go wrong watching a kid version of dream?

He woke up not long after, so bad brought him to a room to play in to keep him occupied while me and bad made something for us to eat, which was a very bad idea leaving him alone in the room

Bad went to get dream but he wasn't there, only a really big mess of toys on the floor of the room, 'uh oh' bad thought to himself, he ran out of the room into the kitchen "Dreams not in the room!" Bad said, "what?! This is bad!!" I said, "we got to find him then!!" I told him that so we went to look for dream

~30 minutes later~

"We looked around the whole house bad! He's got to be outside!" I told bad, we ended up finding him with Sapnap at a park nearby, I could tell sapnap was confused on how he was a kid, "I see you found dream? Or did he find you?" Bad said to sapnap, "I guess I found him" sapnap replied, bad told him how it happened, "I threw a potion at dream and he uhh, turned
Into a kid as you can see" bad said, "how did he get out of the house anyways?" Sapnap asked, "we have no clue how he got out, it's our fault he got out" I said replying to his question,"welp I gotta go now, thanks for the child" sapnap said after he picked up dream and left with dream, "welp, dreams sapnaps problem now" i said to bad, bad just look the other direction, I could tell he was mad that sapnap took dream with him,"wanna go back home?" I asked bad, he just turns to face the direction sapnap went and ran towards him, probably to get dream back from him, so I ran after him

Me and bad caught up to sapnap, he noticed we were behind him he ran faster, bad had barely any breath left from all the running around chasing him, "he'll want to bring dream back soon" As I said that he started walking the direction of the house, so I followed him


Me bringing dream home with me was a really bad idea.

When we got to my house i put dream down on the couch and went to my sisters old play room and got him some toys, I went back to the living room to give him the toys, but he had made a mess with the pillows that were on the couch, and he was gone somewhere

As I was looking around the living room I heard a glass shatter in the kitchen, so I went to check it to see what happened, dream was there and knocked down a glass, he had a few cuts on his arm and face, most likely from the pieces of the broken glass, I went over to dream and picked him up and brought him into my room and laid him on the bed before I went to the bathroom and grabbed the first-aid kit and went back to bandage the cuts from the glass

When I got back to my room I went over to him and took his arm, I noticed there was some glass in the cuts, my dumb ass self tried pulling it out with my hand which was a really bad idea, he screamed in pain when I pulled it out, i let go of the piece of glass and laid it on the bed, the cut that the glass was in was bleeding worse then it was before, I grabbed a bandage and put it on the cut, "shh.. sorry if it hurt" I told him, he calmed down a bit and nodded, I grabbed another piece of glass that was in a cut and pulled it out without trying to hurt him, "did it hurt this time?" I asked, "n-no" he replied, I bandage it and did it with the rest of the cuts in his arm with glass, his face and a few cuts from it too, only 2 cuts in his face, one on his cheek and his eye, the cut on his eye had a piece of glass on it above his eyebrow, I took it out gently, I bandaged the 2 cuts and brought him back into the living room to clean up the glass in the kitchen


After i finished cleaning up the glass I went back to the living room to dream, he saw that dream had fallen asleep on the couch so he brought him to his sisters old room and out him on the bed then left to my room.


After we had breakfast we decided to watch a movie.

After the movie

Dream had turned back to himself not long after the movie ended and I explained to him what happened.


I just rushed to finish this-

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