Part 1

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Shattered. Broken. Beyond Repair. 

All of the above and so much more and worse is what she was now. Her fiancé dead because her best friend wouldn't listen to reason. The unborn baby she carried killed by the pack's stupidity. She was human. What could she do when everything else, everyone else was against her? 

"Stiles, it's time to go." His voice called behind, not the slightest hint of care being heard. "Stiles, did you hear me? I said we need to go." He grabs her arm roughly and pulls her from where the man she loves is buried, dragging her back to the old blue jeep. She used to love it so much, her pride and joy once owned by her mother, was now just a reminder of how happy she used to be before everything had gone so wrong.

What was she supposed to do now? Tamora along with her army was dead, she'd made sure of it personally. It still didn't change anything though. Her baby, her love, her dad. All dead. All she had left was money she didn't want and a pack who treated her like shit because she was the normal one. Was this going to be her life? Was she going to spend the rest of her life on the sidelines waiting for the next person to die because Scott wouldn't listen to her or the research she gave him, that HE asked her for? Would her heart survive another loss? Would her sanity?

She blankly stared out the window of the pack house wondering when they had gotten there. "Stiles, sweetheart?" Lydia called her softly, hesitantly, as if she was cracked glass that would fall apart at the slightest thing. She turned to look at her and she could see how nervous Lydia was but on closer inspection she could see something hidden in her eyes, an anger buried deep inside that she might not even be aware of. "Scott is calling a pack meeting."

A pack meeting . . . that was hilarious. There were so few of them left at this point that she doubted they could call themselves a pack. Lydia much like her was barely holding it together since losing Jordan. She doubted even Scott knew just how closely connected the two of them had been. Lydia had told her once how she could feel every moment as he died, how she could hear his pained screams, and how his last moments were spent wishing for a life with her. Jordan had died weeks before Derek along with Corey and Mason.

Jordan had been injected with a virus that Tamora Monroe's scientists had developed to turn ones abilities against them. Jordan's blood helping them to synthesize their final version, one that could be used on any supernatural. Corey and Mason had been the first to be injected with it during the pack's attempt to save him. Malia had been killed by hunters shortly after leaving the pack two years ago, unable to deal with Scott continued badmouthing of her father despite the fact he was dead. Liam was the only one left besides them.

"Stiles. Stiles!" She looked at Scott.

"I'm listening. Sorry, so what's this pack meeting about?" Scott stared at her a moment, a look she couldn't exactly put her finger on in his eyes.


"Me?" She tilted her head ever so slightly. "What about me?"

"Stiles, you're human."

"That's obvious." Scott closes his eyes and takes a breath but not before I catch a glimpse of glowing red.

"What I mean is Derek is dead and you're still here."

"Scott!" Lydia called out from where she sat next to me. "Ever heard of sympathy?"

"Lydia, take a walk."

"What? No, I w-"

"Take a WALK!" He growls at her, eyes flashing red.

"Fine." She says with a fake smile before pressing a kiss to my head and walking out.

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