Part 2

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1 Hour to Midnight

"I still can't believe you can feel the Nemeton." Lydia says in disbelief.

"The Nemetons are sentient, they can release this call I guess."

"Can all of them do it?"

"Kind of. The Nemetons are burial sights for the original 7 witches. Witch lines that were passed on from daughter to daughter until they eventually died out."

"You're the last one?"

"Can you imagine my mom's shock? There she was expecting a boy after cursing herself so the line would end with her and Oops."

"She cursed herself?" Lydia looks at me in shock as she follows me into the woods.

"Yep, didn't put enough power in it though or rather she couldn't. Our lines been slowly dying out, mixing with 'pure' humans." She emphasizes the word as she talks. "They were trying to dilute the magic in our veins and just so happens long before a Hale came to Beacon Hills, before Beacon Hills became Beacon Hills, a Morningstar was here."

"Morningstar? Like the devil?"

"Haha. You are so, not funny." Lydia sticks her tongue out but she just rolls her eyes, remembering how young they used to be. "All seven of the original witches used the name Morningstar because it was when Venus, which was considered the morning star, was visible and they could communicate with each other. They claimed each other as sisters and formed a link between them over the years. They formed a spiritual connection despite the fact they were on different continents. It was so strong that when a village turned against one of the seven they all felt her death. They felt as she was burnt alive, by her husband. They felt her betrayal, her sorrow, her fear, the worry for the baby she was carrying, worry for the children she already had, the excruciating pain and lack of breath. They felt it all. It drove all of them to their deaths and that along with their connection created the Nemetons. Their sisterhood was so strong that even after their deaths when a bloodline died out any remaining line would feel it. We were all connected to each other but after WWII my line was all that was left."

"A sisterhood that stretched across continents before cell phones? Telepathy so strong they were connected hundreds, even thousands of miles apart." Lydia whispers before looking at her, having connected the dots. "Stiles, what aren't you telling me?"

"I researched our family. I started doing family trees for everyone in the pack a little before Derek was killed. I only restarted after finding all this out and figuring it was better to do that then drown myself in the ritual and possibly miss something important."

"Ok, so you made everyone their own family tree? Mine say anything special?"

"Lydia." She stopped walking and face her, hazel meeting green. "Our family."

"Our family? As in Our, our?" She just stares at her wide-eyed.

"My mom got the curse from the grimoire of a relative, one that set the curse to run until magic was, let's say, erased from them after too much dilution. Twin sisters of the Topol family separated after marriage, one marrying into the Martin family in Germany and the other marrying into the Gajos family in Poland."

"This is huge. We're family. Wait my grandpa left just before WWII so how far back?"

"We share 5x great grandparents. They had two daughters, your 4x great grandmother Aniela, the older twin, married Theodor Martin and left with him after cursing herself and giving Arleta Topol, my 4x great grandmother, her grimoire."

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