Part 4

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A Week Later

New York, Hale Apartment

He didn't know what but something had changed. His thoughts were filled with the repeated dreams he kept having. Wavy brown hair, hazel eyes, a smile that made his heart ache and still even knowing those features he couldn't put it to a face. He knew he'd never seen her before but it felt like he should. He scowled, shaking his head as if it would rid his mind of her before walking into the apartment and instantly freezing. "Laura?"

"Something's wrong. Something is very wrong!" She tells him barely pausing in her rush to pack and he quickly closes the door behind him.

"How did the hunters find us?"

"No, Derek! Not hunters. I- I'm not an Alpha anymore."

"Wha- That's not possible."

"Apparently it is!" She growls baring her teeth at him as she flashes blue eyes, shocking him. "It has to be Peter. He's the only one who would do this."

"Uncle Peter is brain dead, you said so yourself. There's no way he could do something like this!"

"Yes he could! Mom knew. Mom knew he couldn't be trusted and look what he did! He stole the Alpha spark from me! I should have finished him when I had the chance instead of leaving him for the hunters he used to try to kill us all."

"What? You told me Uncle Peter couldn't come with us becau-" Derek felt the guilt rising, eating away at him like it had for so many years.

"I know what I said, Derek! I lied. The fact is I couldn't bring him with us when he was the reason our family was dead! He killed our family so he could be the Alpha! Betrayed us to hunters!"

"No he didn't." Derek says lowly and Laura scoffs.

"God Derek, 4 years and you still haven't grown up. You still can't see what's staring you right in the face! Think about it, Der. Mom didn't even trust him and he was her brother! I know you think he was great and that the two of you were close but the fact is he got our pack killed!"

"No, I did!" He screams at her. "I told her! It was my fault! All of it was my fault because I trusted her. I trusted an Argent."

"You what?" Laura's voice is barely more than a whisper.

"I trusted Kate Argent. I thought she loved me." Laura lets out a huff at that before slowly clapping her hands. Derek looks at her unsure of her reaction.

"That, that's funny." Her voice is low, threatening with the growl beneath her chest. "Tell me what you said was a lie. Tell me you only said what you did because you really believe in Peter."

"I swear on the moon and stars, it was my fault." Derek lowers his head.

"Out." Derek looks up at her. "Get out Derek and don't you dare come back. Mom always said she worried you'd end up like him with how much time you spent together but I didn't want to believe it. I don't know how I, how anyone else couldn't see it. Mom, our emissary, they were both right. Leave and don't ever cross my path again. You're not pack. You're not family. You're not anything to me, not anymore. Peter may have stolen the Spark but he'll never be a true Hale Alpha. He won't be able to ally with the other packs Mom made sure of it just in case he ever went against her. The Hale line is dead. Now leave."


"Pack your things and go." She growls as she tosses the duffel she had already started to fill with his clothes before his confession and grabbed her jacket. She walks to him. "Don't be here when I get back. In fact run back to your hunter, maybe she'll do us both a favor and finish you off."

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