Part 6

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"Are we seriously going to the Nemeton to ask our ancestors questions knowing they're ghostly specters are already basically haunting us?"

"Helping us."

"Helping, haunting, whatever it's the same damn thing as far as I'm concerned. Their ghosts are basically running our lives. I didn't think I would ever actually hate school until this. Iris this workload is ridiculous!"

"Your IQ is over 170, we've had the knowledge of everything we need to already know for those assignments and careers basically downloaded into our minds, the supernatural is real, and we time traveled nearly twenty years into the past by way of a tree stump and the ghosts of seven witches. What part of our lives aren't ridiculous?"

"Ok, I admit you have a point there. BTW, our lives would make awesome tv. I'm talking multiple seasons." Lydia says with a sigh as they continue their hike. "So, why didn't you off Deaton like you did the Wendigos?" She shivers remembering how she had found out about them the first time.

"It would change too much and honestly I'm pretty sure if that happened we'd have someone else taking over that part of our lives."

"Know thy enemy."

"For now. We'll handle Deaton once we're finished with school that way we're the ones set to take over."

"You want to run the animal clinic?"

"Do you think I want to work for Deaton knowing he's either a darach or a traitor to us?"

"Ok, but it's not like any other earthquakes happened anywhere near here so how? And are we seriously talking about planning a person's death?"

"It's not like we haven't killed before and as much as Scott talked about how we 'don't kill people', at least in the beginning, it didn't stop him from involving people who would do it for him. We're just being a hell of a lot more honest about it." Iris says glancing toward Lydia. "Besides, right now at least we have a hell of a lot more pressing matters."

"Ok what about Scott changing and doing the curse on his blood? Or making the tunnels underneath our new property which also brings up the issue of how are we going to keep people from knowing about the vault we plan on building?" Lydia asks and Iris pulls a small vial filled with a dark red substance from her jacker pocket. "What is that?"

"The blood of one Scott McCall ready to be cursed on the Nemeton."

"When did you- the station's reno fundraiser. That's why you were being so weird." She says as she thinks back to how Iris how been as twitchy as she had been as a teen that day and Iris nods in agreement.

"Got it when he busted his nose when him and Stiles tried to impress us on their skateboards." She says with a grimace before continuing. "As for the vaults I may have placed a . . . little curse over the contractors and their contracts."

"You cursed them?" Lydia nearly screams.

"Just an itty-bitty one!"

"Iris what does it do?"

"It just ensures that certain parts of the floor plan don't make it onto the blueprints, that they think those parts are there whenever they look at it, and that they don't mention those bits to anyone not working on our property." Lydia's eyes narrow at her.

"What else?" Iris groans.

"The curse will permanently erase the knowledge of those areas once everything is finished leaving them to believe that the blueprints submitted is exactly what they did and all they did. There's also a little safety feature that spreads the magic to anyone they could have talked to about the project as well and has them destroy proof of there being anything to contradict the blueprints submitted."

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